business comm.

Cards (153)

  • Three ways to order a healthier bubble tea

    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • facts and opinions presented.
  • Source Details required
    • Journal/Magazine/Newspaper article
    • Book
    • Websites
  • Journal/Magazine/Newspaper article
    • Author
    • Year of publication
    • Title and subtitle of article
    • Name of journal/magazine
    • Volume number/issue number
    • Page number of article
  • Book
    • Author
    • Year of publication
    • Title and subtitle
    • Place of publication
    • Publisher
  • Websites
    • Author
    • Date of publication or most recent update (use "n.d." if there is no date)
    • Title of section
    • Title of document
    • URL of section
  • Provide proper referencing using the APA (American Psychological Association) or MLA (Modern Language Association) method.
  • Purpose of a Summary
    • Inform and Interest the Reader
    • Report an Event
    • Report an Incident
  • Inform and Interest the Reader
    • It informs the reader of the main points of the document without giving elaborate details
    • Readers who read the summarised version of the document may use it to decide if they should continue reading it
    • If a summary is well-written, it may interest the reader to continue reading the document
    • It also helps to enhance understanding of the topic covered
  • Report an Event
    • overall success of the event
    • ascertain if event has met its objectives
    • key learning points (what went well and what did not go well)
    • recommendations for future events
  • Report an Incident
    • customer creating a scene at a store
    • accidents at workplace
    • co-workers arguing
    • customers' complaints
    • significant disruptions in service delivery
  • Summary Format and Key Information Required

    • Introduction
    • Content DetailsExtracting Main Points
    • Conclusions
  • Introduction
    • State the main topic being discussed
    • State the purpose of the report (if you are writing an executive summary)
    • Include the title & author of an article/journal/book that you are summarising
  • Content Details – Extracting Main Points
    • Read the document (more than once preferably) and understand it
    • Underline the key points
    • Write down the main ideas and create an outline of the document
    • Craft your summary
    • Re-read your summary against the original source and check its accuracy
  • Summarising Effectively
  • 5W1H Framework

    Who, What, Why, Where, When, How
  • Conclusions
    • State recommendations on improvement which are mentioned in the report
    • Follow-up on actions required
  • Factors to consider when making informed judgements
    • Bias
    • Propaganda
    • Stereotyping
    • Facts
    • Opinions
    • Fallacies
  • Bias
    An inclination or prejudice for or against one person or group, especially in a way considered to be unfair
  • Propaganda
    A form of communication aimed at influencing the attitude of the community towards some cause or position, by presenting only one side of an argument
  • Stereotyping
    A prejudice, mistaken idea or belief about what someone or something is like without proven fact(s)
  • Facts
    Concrete bits of information which can be proven to be true. Facts are thus objective.
  • Opinions
    Describe someone's judgment, beliefs, feelings or way of thinking about a topic. Opinions are thus subjective and relative.
  • Fallacies
    Errors of reasoning
  • Objectives
    • Explain the purpose of using Standard English
    • Explain the purpose of active and reflective listening
    • Describe qualities of a good listener
    • Describe ways to seek clarification
    • Describe ways to improve delivery
    • Explain the purpose of non-verbal cues in conversation
    • Describe an effective presentation
    • Describe the presentation preparations
    • Explain the purpose of using appropriate vocal techniques
    • Explain the purpose of showing sensitivity
    • Explain the purpose of non-verbal cues
    • Describe the presentation proceedings
    • Describe strategy to engage audience
    • Describe ways to handle question/s
  • Purpose of Using Standard English
    • It is the official language of the entire English-speaking world, regardless of nationality
    • Speaking English well will enable you to communicate more effectively and be easily understood by others
  • Purpose of Active and Reflective Listening
    • Active listening: Get ready to listen, Keep an open mind, Look at the speaker or audience, Listen for main themes, Take short notes, Provide feedback for clarification or deeper understanding
    • Reflective listening: Verbally reflect on what a person has just said to check whether he/she understood the speaker correctly
  • Qualities of a Good Listener
    • Listen in Totality
    • Interrupt Minimally
    • Show Interest
    • Take Notes
  • Ways to Seek Clarification
    • Open-ended Question
    • Polar Question
    • Statement and Question Tag
    • Paraphrasing
  • Open-ended Question
    Cannot be answered with a "yes" or "no", Used to gain information and build rapport
  • Polar Question

    Also known as a closed question, Requires a "yes" or "no" answer, Useful for establishing facts and making decisions
  • Statement and Question Tag
    A statement followed by a mini-question, Used at the end of statements to ask for confirmation
  • Ways to Improve Delivery
    • Clear pronunciation
    • Logical and coherent expression
    • Stress patterns
    • Pitch
    • Tone
    • Volume
  • Clear Pronunciation
    Speaking and pronouncing words clearly and correctly is important for effective communication
  • Logical and Coherent Expression

    Using logical and coherent expressions in the correct sequence helps to prevent misunderstandings
  • Stress Patterns
    Mistakes in word stress can make the word difficult to hear and understand, and change the meaning or type of the word
  • Pitch
    Varying the pitch of your voice helps listeners understand the key points and retain important information
  • Tone
    Using an appropriate gentle and polite tone is critical to avoid misinterpretation of the message or intentions
  • Volume
    Speaking at an appropriate volume during conversations is important
  • Pitch
    Each person has a low, middle and high pitch. Varying the pitch helps listeners understand the key points and retain important information