Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Middle-East)
OPEC cut off oil exports to the U.S.
For U.S. support of Israel when it went to war with Egypt and Syria in 1973
Price of gas
Quadrupled (even/odd days) from .25 to $1.00 per gallon
Families suffered financial strains due to the increase in gas prices
New Federalism
Nixon's program where the federal government gave states funding and each state determined how to use it (welfare, unemployment benefits, health care, education or job training)
Many states neglected these problems and put money into ineffective programs and then asked for more funding
Law and Order
Nixon's program to establish law and order, using the FBI and CIA for wiretapping, bugging offices, and tax audits on people believed to be a threat (most of it was illegal)
Spiro Agnew
Nixon's Vice President who attacked liberals and lashed out at the media calling them "Liberal Cheerleaders" to the anti-war movement
Political realism coined by Henry Kissinger, involving open and direct talks about real issues with China and Russia instead of intervening in revolutionary conflicts in smaller nations
The attempt at easing tension with China and Russia, including Nixon's visits and SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)
Watergate Scandal
Exposed by investigative reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, involving the CRP's (Committee to re-elect President) spying and break-in of the Democratic headquarters in the Watergate Hotel
James McCord
Ex CIA, head of security for the CRP, caught with 4 other men breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate Hotel
John Mitchell
Former Attorney General, directed the CRP (Committee to Re-elect President)
The "President's Men"
H.R. Halderman: Whitehouse Chief of Staff (manager)
John Ehrlichman: Chief Domestic Advisor (lawyer/personal assistant)
John Dean III: Presidential Counsel (lawyer)
John Mitchell: Attorney General (Leader of CRP) coordinated all activities
All 4 of the president's men went to prison with minimum risk facility/short prison terms
Nixon was given a full pardon (free pass) for his participation in the Watergate scandal by President Ford
The Plumbers
The unofficial "fixers of scandalous leaks", using wiretapping, burglary, intimidation, changing narratives, payoffs
Saturday Night Massacre
October 20, 1973 events where Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned, Deputy A.G. Archibald Cox was fired, and Attorney General Elliot Richardson resigned
Nixon Tapes
Recordings of Nixon that were eventually released in July 1974, revealing his obstruction of justice and leading to his resignation in August 1974
Gerald Ford became Vice President in October 1973 after Spiro Agnew's resignation, and then became President in August 1974 after Nixon's resignation
Conservative Coalition
Alliance of business leaders, middle-class voters, unhappy democrats and fundamental Christian groups (TV Evangelists)
Moral Majority
TV Evangelists (Jim and Tammy Bakker, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell) and fundamental Christian groups that supported Republicans promoting traditional "Family Values", patriotism, anti-abortion and reducing divorces and unwed mothers
3 points of Reaganomics (supply-side economics)
Downsizing and cutting government spending
Tax cuts
Increase defense budget
SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)
Weapons like MX Missile and B1 Bomber that Reagan encouraged to win the Cold War
Changes in the United States Supreme Court during the conservative years
Raegan appointed Sandra Day O'connor, Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy and William Rehnquist as Chief Justice
Retired: William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall
Bush appointed Clarence Thomas
The Judicial Branch (Supreme Court) became conservative and revisited topics such as racial discrimination, abortion and affirmative action
Programs deregulated under Reagan
Entitlement programs (Social Programs)
Federal safety inspections for nursing homes
Price controls on domestic oil
Airline industry
Savings & loans (banks) industry
The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) lost funding, leading to environmental setbacks like acid rain
War on Drugs
Reagan administration's campaign to prosecute drug users and dealers, with First Lady Nancy Reagan's "Just say no!" campaign
Abortion debate
Conservatives argued human life begins at conception, liberals promoted pro-choice as a personal health-care choice
Pay Equity
Proposal by women's groups and labor unions to rate jobs based on education, physical strength, and supervision, to close the income gap for women
Glasnost and Perestroika
Gorbachev's policies of openness and restructuring that led to changes in the Soviet Union
Sandinistas opposed the Somoza government in Nicaragua
The U.S. opposed the Sandinistas, supporting the Contras to fight them and stop the spread of communism
Manuel Noriega
Panamanian leader overthrown by the U.S. in 1989 on charges of drug trafficking
Iran-Contra Scandal
Reagan administration's illegal arms sales to Iran and diversion of profits to the Contras in Nicaragua, violating the Boland Amendment
Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North testified as a scapegoat during the Iran-Contra hearings
In 1983, terrorist groups loyal to Iran took American hostages in Lebanon
Reagan denounced Iran and urged U.S. allies not to sell arms to Iran for its war against Iraq, declaring that "America will never make concessions to terrorists" in 1989
In 1986 the American people learned that President Reagan had approved the sale of arms to Iran in exchange for the release of the hostages
Reagan's staff sent part of the profits from the illegal arms sales to the Contras in Nicaragua, which directly violated the Boland Amendment