
Cards (112)

  • OPEC
    Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Middle-East)
  • OPEC cut off oil exports to the U.S.

    For U.S. support of Israel when it went to war with Egypt and Syria in 1973
  • Price of gas
    Quadrupled (even/odd days) from .25 to $1.00 per gallon
  • Families suffered financial strains due to the increase in gas prices
  • New Federalism
    Nixon's program where the federal government gave states funding and each state determined how to use it (welfare, unemployment benefits, health care, education or job training)
  • Many states neglected these problems and put money into ineffective programs and then asked for more funding
  • Law and Order
    Nixon's program to establish law and order, using the FBI and CIA for wiretapping, bugging offices, and tax audits on people believed to be a threat (most of it was illegal)
  • Spiro Agnew
    Nixon's Vice President who attacked liberals and lashed out at the media calling them "Liberal Cheerleaders" to the anti-war movement
  • Realpolitiks
    Political realism coined by Henry Kissinger, involving open and direct talks about real issues with China and Russia instead of intervening in revolutionary conflicts in smaller nations
  • Detente
    The attempt at easing tension with China and Russia, including Nixon's visits and SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)
  • Watergate Scandal

    Exposed by investigative reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, involving the CRP's (Committee to re-elect President) spying and break-in of the Democratic headquarters in the Watergate Hotel
  • James McCord
    Ex CIA, head of security for the CRP, caught with 4 other men breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate Hotel
  • John Mitchell
    Former Attorney General, directed the CRP (Committee to Re-elect President)
  • The "President's Men"
    • H.R. Halderman: Whitehouse Chief of Staff (manager)
    • John Ehrlichman: Chief Domestic Advisor (lawyer/personal assistant)
    • John Dean III: Presidential Counsel (lawyer)
    • John Mitchell: Attorney General (Leader of CRP) coordinated all activities
  • All 4 of the president's men went to prison with minimum risk facility/short prison terms
  • Nixon was given a full pardon (free pass) for his participation in the Watergate scandal by President Ford
  • The Plumbers

    The unofficial "fixers of scandalous leaks", using wiretapping, burglary, intimidation, changing narratives, payoffs
  • Saturday Night Massacre
    October 20, 1973 events where Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned, Deputy A.G. Archibald Cox was fired, and Attorney General Elliot Richardson resigned
  • Nixon Tapes
    Recordings of Nixon that were eventually released in July 1974, revealing his obstruction of justice and leading to his resignation in August 1974
  • Gerald Ford became Vice President in October 1973 after Spiro Agnew's resignation, and then became President in August 1974 after Nixon's resignation
  • Conservative Coalition
    Alliance of business leaders, middle-class voters, unhappy democrats and fundamental Christian groups (TV Evangelists)
  • Moral Majority
    TV Evangelists (Jim and Tammy Bakker, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell) and fundamental Christian groups that supported Republicans promoting traditional "Family Values", patriotism, anti-abortion and reducing divorces and unwed mothers
  • 3 points of Reaganomics (supply-side economics)
    • Downsizing and cutting government spending
    • Tax cuts
    • Increase defense budget
  • SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)
    Weapons like MX Missile and B1 Bomber that Reagan encouraged to win the Cold War
  • Changes in the United States Supreme Court during the conservative years
    • Raegan appointed Sandra Day O'connor, Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy and William Rehnquist as Chief Justice
    • Retired: William Brennan and Thurgood Marshall
    • Bush appointed Clarence Thomas
  • The Judicial Branch (Supreme Court) became conservative and revisited topics such as racial discrimination, abortion and affirmative action
  • Programs deregulated under Reagan
    • Entitlement programs (Social Programs)
    • Federal safety inspections for nursing homes
    • Price controls on domestic oil
    • Airline industry
    • Savings & loans (banks) industry
  • The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) lost funding, leading to environmental setbacks like acid rain
  • War on Drugs
    Reagan administration's campaign to prosecute drug users and dealers, with First Lady Nancy Reagan's "Just say no!" campaign
  • Abortion debate

    Conservatives argued human life begins at conception, liberals promoted pro-choice as a personal health-care choice
  • Pay Equity
    Proposal by women's groups and labor unions to rate jobs based on education, physical strength, and supervision, to close the income gap for women
  • Glasnost and Perestroika
    Gorbachev's policies of openness and restructuring that led to changes in the Soviet Union
  • Sandinistas opposed the Somoza government in Nicaragua
    The U.S. opposed the Sandinistas, supporting the Contras to fight them and stop the spread of communism
  • Manuel Noriega
    Panamanian leader overthrown by the U.S. in 1989 on charges of drug trafficking
  • Iran-Contra Scandal

    Reagan administration's illegal arms sales to Iran and diversion of profits to the Contras in Nicaragua, violating the Boland Amendment
  • Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North testified as a scapegoat during the Iran-Contra hearings
  • In 1983, terrorist groups loyal to Iran took American hostages in Lebanon
  • Reagan denounced Iran and urged U.S. allies not to sell arms to Iran for its war against Iraq, declaring that "America will never make concessions to terrorists" in 1989
  • In 1986 the American people learned that President Reagan had approved the sale of arms to Iran in exchange for the release of the hostages
  • Reagan's staff sent part of the profits from the illegal arms sales to the Contras in Nicaragua, which directly violated the Boland Amendment