Are the qualities or attributes that make financial accounting information useful to the users
Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics
Relates to the content or substance of financial information and are relevant and faithful representation
1. Identify an economic phenomenon or transaction
2. Identify the type of information about the phenomenon or transaction that would be most relevant
3. Determine whether the information is available
3 Application of qualitative Characteristics
Is the capacity of the information to influence a decision
Is a practical rule in accounting which dictates strict adherence to GAAP is not required when the items are not significant enough.
- Also known as the doctrine of convenience
Obscuring Information
The presentation of financial information not readily understood or not clearly expressed. This can be characterized by deliberate vagueness, ambiguity and abstruseness.
Primary Users
Includes the existing and potential investors lenders and other creditors
Other Users
Includes the employees, customers, government agencies and the public in general
Size and Nature of the item
What are the factors of Materiality?
Faithful Representation
Means that financial reports represent economic phenomena or transactions in words and numbers
1. Completeness
2. Neutrality
3. Free from error
What are the 3 ingredients of faithful representation?
Relevant information should be presented in a way that facilitates
Standard of adequate disclosure
Means that all significant and relevant information leading to the preparation financial statements shall be clearly reported
This is without bias in the preparation or presentation of financial information
The exercise of care and caution when dealing with the uncertainties in the measurement process such that income or assets are not overstated and liabilities or expense are not understated
Means that when alternatives exist, the alternative which has the least effects on equity should be chosen
Contingent loss
Recognized as a "provision" if the loss is probable and the amount can be reliably measured
Contingent gain
Not recorgnized but disclosed only
Free from error
Means there are no errors or omissions in the description of the phenomenon it transaction
Measurement Uncertainty
Arises when monetary amoy is in financial reports cannot be observed directly and must instead be estimated
Enhancing Qualitative Characteristics
Related to the presentation or form of the financial information
The ability to bring together for the purpose of noting points of likeness and difference
Refers to the use of the same method for the same item, either from period to period within an entity or in a single period across entities
Requires that financial information must be comprehensible or intelligible if it is to be most useful
Means that different knowledge and independent observers could reach consensus that a particular depiction is a faithful representation
• Direct Verification
• Indirect Verification
2 Types of Verification?
Direct Verification
Verifying an amount or other representation through direct observation
e.g.: Counting Cash
Indirect Verification
Means checking the inputs to a model, formula or other technique and recalculating the inputs using the same technology
Means that financial information must be available or communicated early enough when a decision is to be made