Platelet Disorders

Cards (93)

  • Small platelets: Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (WAS) is X-linked and a dense granules deficiency. The result is due to "TIE" thrombocytopenia, immunodeficiency, eczema
  • Small platelets causes TORCH Infections; Toxoplasma, other agents, rubella, CMV, Herpesvirus
  • Bernard-Soulier Syndrome (BSS) is a autosomal recessive that has a complex deficiency GP Ib/IX/V results in thrombocytopenia and bleeding disorder.
  • Large Platelets: Gray Platelet Syndrome (GPS) is an autosomal recessive with alpha granules deficiency that causes results in thrombocytopenia, mild bleeding tendencies and fibrosis of the marrow.
  • Another large platelet is May-Hegglin Anomaly (MHA) it is an autosomal dominant with MYH9 gene mutations and result causes variable, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, Dohle body-like inclusions in WBC.
    Vascular Disorders (HE'S HoMeWorKS")
    Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia/Osler-Weber-Rendu Disease
    Ehlers-Danios Syndrome/Cutis Hyperelastica
    Marfan's syndrome
    Kasabach-Meritt Syndrome/ Congenital Hemangiomata
    Senile Purpura
    Henoch Schonlein Purpura/Allergic Purpura/ Nonthrombocytopenic purpura
    Waterhouse Friderichsen Syndrome/ Hemorrhagic Adrenalitis
    Scurvy/Ascorbic Acid deficiency
  • most common inherited vascular bleeding disorder is Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia/Osler-Weber-Rendu Disease
  • Localize dilation of capillary walls (skin and mucous membrane) is Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia/Osler-Weber-Rendu Disease
  • Hyperextensible joints and hyperelastic skin Ehlers-Danios Syndrome/Cutis Hyperelastica
  • Skeletal defects (long extremities) and Arachnodactyly (spider fingers) is Ehlers-Danios Syndrome/Cutis Hyperelastica
  • Tumors composed of vessels that commonly swell and bleed at the surface is Kasabach-Meritt Syndrome/ Congenital Hemangiomata
  • Bruised areas on the forearms of elderly persons and due to degeneration of collagen is Senile Purpura
  • Most common seen in children. Vascular abnormality is caused by immunologic damage to endothelial cells. Gastrointestinal hemorrhage and joint swelling is Henoch Schonlein Purpura/Allergic Purpura/ Nonthrombocytopenic purpura
  • Severe capillary damage following meningococcal septicemia is Waterhouse Friderichsen Syndrome/ Hemorrhagic Adrenalitis
  • Defects in synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid is Scurvy/Ascorbic Acid deficiency
  • Platelet disorders; QUANTITATIVE PLATELET
    Thrombocytopenia ; Impaired/ Decrease PLT production
    "MT LeVi WAS MY BF"
    Megaloblastic anemia
    TAR syndrome
    Viral Infections
    MYH9 gene mutations
    Fanconi anemia
  • Platelet disorders; QUANTITATIVE PLATELET
    Thrombocytosis; Reactive/Secondary (Moderate Increase PLT)
    Recover from splenectomy
    Acute blood loss
    Major surgery
  • Platelet disorders: QUALITATIVE
    Adhesion is BSS and vWD
  • Platelet disorders: QUALITATIVE
    Aggregations is Glanzmann's thrombasthenia, Hereditary afibrinogenemia
  • Platelet disorders: QUALITATIVE
    Secretion is Alpha deficiency, GPS, Dense deficiency (HPS, CHS, TAR, WAS)
  • Platelet disorders; QUANTITATIVE PLATELET
    Thrombocytopenia (decrease PLT production)
    Increase PLT destruction
    Increase splenic sequestration
    Massive blood transfusion
  • plt rich plasma count of 200,000 to 300,000/uL
  • To prepare PRP sodium citrate anticoagulated blood then centrifuge at 50 x g for 30 minutes. The tube stored at 18 to 24 degree celcius
  • PRP based light transmittance aggregometry is initiated no less than 30 minutes after spx centrifuged and completed within 4 hours
  • PRP original measure 9 to 12 mL of whole blood
  • Ristocetin increases the expression of VWF
  • measures platelet aggregation and ATP release?
    Platelet Lumi-aggregometry
  • when ATP is release in PLT Lumiaggregometry; measured by addition of lucefirin
  • bleeding time also called as Duke Method
  • bleeding time (duke method) 2-4 mins
  • Bleeding time (ivy method) 1-7 mins
  • template bleeding time 2-9 mins
  • Rumple-Leede test is 1+
  • Clot retraction (hirschboeck/Castor oil) is 15-45 mins.
  • MacFarlene Method id 44-67%
  • In bleeding time (ivy method) inflate sphygmomanometer to 40 mmHg, cleanse are with 70% alcohol wipe dry with sterile gauze. Make 2 incisions (2mm deep and 2 mm long) blot with 2 separate filter paper every 30s and then report the average
  • Modification of ivy method by C.H. Mielke Jr
  • Uses template containing a standardized slit instead of lancets?
    template bleeding time
  • simulate and surgicutt?

    template bleeding time
  • uses capillary fragility test/tourniquet test?
    rumple-leede test