A combination of two or more substances that are not chemically combined
To cause a solute to pass into a solution
Molecular Equation
An equation in which the formulas of the compounds are written as though all species existed as molecules or whole units
Ionic Equation
An equation that shows dissolved species (soluble salts, acids, or bases) as free ions
Net Ionic Equation
An equation that shows only the ions that are directly involved in the reaction, with spectator ions removed
Spectator Ions
Ions present on both the product and reactant side that do not participate directly in the reaction
Strong Bases
Solids, liquids, and gases do not break into ions
Salts, strong acids, and strong bases will ionize in aqueous solution
The solubilitytable can be used to determine if a salt will ionize
Strongacids are acids formed from group VIIA nonmetals (HBr, HCl, HI) and acids where the number of oxygen atoms minus the number of hydrogen atoms is 2 or greater
Strongbases are bases formed from group IA and IIA metals, with the exceptions of Be, Mg, and Fr
Acid + Base → Salt + Water
Acid + Base → Salt + Water
Oxidation Number = # of electrons lost - # of electrons gained