Cards (3)

  • ethical issues
    • offenders are not always given the option to whether they want to participate in a token economy
    • withdrawal of rewards or basic human essentials could also be seen to be ethically questionable
    • may lead to reactions of anger or increased violence/competition within a prison system
  • individual differences
    • field found some young prisoners responded more positively to rewards when they were more immediate and frequent
    • however tailoring programmes on an individual basis would be difficult to implement due to staffing issues in prisons and underfunding
    • thus individual differences means the effectiveness is not consistant
  • strength- research support
    • cohen and filipczak found after 2 years, token economy groups were less likely to reoffend that control groups
    • however after 3 years rates of recidivism went back to reflecting national statistics- no longer rewards for desireable behaviour in the outside world
    • only temporarily effective, managing behaviour but not treating or changing it long term, not protecting the public from future criminal behaviours