Cards (3)

  • limitation- soft punishment
    • many members of public see RJ as a soft option for dealing with offenders ,even though its use would reduce recidivism
    • estimated evert £1 spent on RJ we would save £8 on reduced reoffending
    • however, politicians are not keen to promote its use in fear of losing public support who prefer criminals to face retribution for their crimes as considered a more fair approach
  • flexible
    • unlike custodial sentencing, RJ can be used flexibily, adapting to suit the needs of each situation
    • however, this makes it difficult to conclude the effectiveness as standardised procedures are not used consistently meaning findings lack reliability when aiming to support restorative justice
  • limitation- remorse
    • it is possible the offender only signs up to RJ as a way of reducing their sentence or to avoid prison and thus do not show genuine remorse
    • the victim may also only be interested in seeking revenge
    • thus the proccess may not have the benefits it claims and does not prevent reoffending