Reductionism vs holism

Cards (15)

  • What is holism ?
    • rejects dualism and any ideas of thinking, feeling and actions being seperate
    • considers humans as a whole alongside their biology and free will
    • interactions approach as considers a variety of levels
  • What is reductionism ?
    • it is easier to analyse behaviour by breaking it down into smaller components and perspectives
    1. biological
    2. environmental
    3. machine
  • Biological reductionism ?
    Explaining behaviour from a biological perspective
    • genes
    • hormones
    • neurochemicals
    • neural structures
  • Environmental ?
    Simplifying behaviour into a response from a singular stimulus
  • Machine ?
    reducing human fucntione to mechanical processes
  • What are the levels of explanations ?
    • behaviour can be explained in degrees of reductionism in a hierarchy
    • at the bottom are smalller components that explain behaviour analytically
    • at the top are more holistic concepts that consider a rounder view
    • demonstrates interaction between volume and reductionism which shows the predisposition of genetics
  • What are the different levels. ?
    • Sociology-culture, environment,family
    • psychology- cognitive,emotion
    • biology- genes, hormones,
    • chemistry-neurochemsitry
    • physics- atoms
  • What is a sz example of the levels ?
    Sociology - stressful living environment or family - sz mother
    psychological- cognitive dysfunction
    biological + chemical - enlarged ventricles + high dopamine levels
  • Evaluation ?
    1. biological reductionism- explains drug therapy
    2. environmental reductionism- is not appropriate for complex human functions
    3. reduxtionist methodology is scientific
  • Holism strengths ?
    • holistic + qualitative methodology is rich in detail and provides unique persoectives
  • Holding weakness ?
    • subjective and time consuming
  • What did hollism allow ?
    • research into conformity as we needed to look at the bigger picture not jsut stimulus response
  • What approach is holistic ?
  • What approach is reductionist ?

  • What approach is interactionist ?