Cards (4)

    • inadequate superego
      • based on freuds theories
      • the superego punishes the ego with feelings of guilt for wrong-doing, and rewards it with feelings of pride and satisfaction for moral behaviours
      • in criminals the superego is weak or deficient
    • 3 types of inadequate superego
      • weak superego- caused by an absent same sex-parent in the phallic stage so the child cannot identify and internalise a superego
      • deviant superego- caused by internalisation of an immoral superego from deviant parents
      • over harsh superego- causing the person to become anxious and guilty by nature, causing them to unconsciously seek punishment and do so by commiting criminal acts
    • maternal deprivation theory
      • bowlby proposed that the relationship we have with our mothers acts as the prototype for all future relationships
      • if this is disrupted it would result in a condition- 'affectionless psychopathy' where it is difficult to show empathy of feelings for others
    • bowlby research
      • in his 44 thieves study, he found that 14 of them showed affectionless psychopathy, 12 of which had prolongued seperation from mothers