Cognitive explanation:

Cards (3)

  • Dysfunctional thinking
    Associated with several types of dysfunctional thought processing, and these can provide possible explanations for schizophrenia as a whole
    • Characterised by disruption to normal thought processing
    • We can see this in many of its symptoms
    • Reduced thought processing in the ventral striatum is associated with negative symptoms, whilst reduced processing of information in the temporal and cingulate gyri is associated with hallucinations (Simon et al)
    • This lower-than-usual level of information processing suggests that cognition is likely to be impaired.
  • Metarepresentation dysfunction
    Frith et al identified two kinds of dysfunctional thought processes
    1. metarespresentation
    • The cognitive ability to reflect on thoughts and behaviour
    • Allows us insight into our own intentions
    • Allows us to interpret the actions of others
    • Dysfunction in metarepresentation would disrupt our ability to recognise our own actions and thoughts as being carried out by ourselves rather than someone else
    • This would explain hallucinations of hearing voices and delusions like thought insertion (the experience of having thoughts projected into the mind by others)
  • 2. Central control dysfunction
    • Issues with the cognitive ability to suppress automatic responses while we perform deliberate actions
    • Speech poverty and thought disorder could result from the inability to suppress automatic thoughts and speech triggered by other thoughts
    • IE: people with schizophrenia tend to experience derailment of thoughts because each word triggers associations, and the person cannot suppress automatic responses to these.