Associated with several types of dysfunctional thought processing, and these can provide possible explanations for schizophrenia as a whole
Characterised by disruption to normalthoughtprocessing
We can see this in many of its symptoms
Reduced thought processing in the ventral striatum is associated with negativesymptoms, whilst reducedprocessing of information in the temporal and cingulategyri is associated with hallucinations (Simon et al)
This lower-than-usual level of informationprocessing suggests that cognition is likely to be impaired.
Metarepresentation dysfunction
Frithet al identified twokinds of dysfunctional thought processes
The cognitiveability to reflect on thoughts and behaviour
Allows us insight into our ownintentions
Allows us to interpret the actions of others
Dysfunction in metarepresentation would disruptourability to recognise our own actions and thoughts as being carried out by ourselves rather than someoneelse
This would explain hallucinations of hearingvoices and delusions like thought insertion (the experience of havingthoughtsprojected into the mind by others)
2. Centralcontroldysfunction
Issues with the cognitiveability to suppressautomatic responses while we performdeliberateactions
Speechpoverty and thought disorder could result from the inability to suppressautomaticthoughts and speechtriggered by otherthoughts
IE: people with schizophrenia tend to experiencederailment of thoughts because each wordtriggersassociations, and the person cannot suppressautomatic responses to these.