classification and diagnosis

Cards (7)

  • 2 diagonstic tools used for diagnosing sz
    • DSM - one positive symptom must be present for diagnosing sz
    • ICD - two or more negative symptoms are required
    two subtypes - paranoid and catatonic
  • type one symptoms - positive symptoms
    1. hallucinations
    • unusual sensory experiences
    • hearing voices
    • distorte facial expressions or people that are not there
    2. delusions
    • paranoia / irrational beliefs
    • being an important historical / religious person
    • having superpowers
  • avolition = loss of motivation to do things
  • type 2 symptoms - negative
    1. avolition - failure to function eg poor hygiene, lack of persistence in work and lack of energy
    2. speech poverty - delay in verbal response and incoherent speech and speech disorganisation
  • a03 - comorbidity
    • buckley et al - found that patients diagnosed with sz also suffered from depression (50%) and subtance abuse (47%)
    • also 29% of sz had ptsd
    difficult to do one singular diagnosis due to confusion between sz and depression symptoms
  • a03 - culture bias
    • african american and english afro- caribbean are more likely to be diagnosed with sz than white ppl
    • Escobar - white psychiatrists may over-interprety symptoms
    • culure bias - hearing voice is more acceptable in african culture due to communication with ancestors
  • a03 - gender bias
    • longenecker et al - men have been diagnosed with sz more than women bc they are more genetically vunerable
    • cotton et al - women are better at masking sz due to high functioning work and rs