If genetics have influence on offending it may also be moderated by the effects of the environment
Tendency towards offending behaviour may come about through combination of genetic predisposition + biological psychological trigger E.G, being raised in a dysfunctional environment/ having criminal role models
Raine - conducted many studies of the APD brain, reporting that there are several dozen brain-imaging studies demonstrating that individuals w/ antisocial personalities have reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that regulates emotional behaviour
Raine + his colleagues - 11% reduction in volume of grey matter in prefrontal cortex of people with APD compared to controls
Recent research suggests that offenders w/ APD can experience empathy but they do so more sporadically than the rest of us
Keysers - only when offenders were asked to empathise did their empathy reaction activate
Suggests APD individuals aren't w/ out empathy, but may have neura 'switch' that can be turned on + off, unlike the 'normal' brain which has the empathy switch permanently on