Macrophage,Kupffer,Microglial Cell Main Function :
Produces cytokines, chemotactic factors, and other substances participating in inflammation, antigen processing, and presentation
Langerhans Cell
Major Location : Epidermis
Dendritic Cell
Major Location : Lymph nodes, Spleen
Langerhans,Dendritic Cell Main Function : Antigen processing and presentation
Major Location : Bone
Osteoclast Main Function : Localized digestion of bone matrix
Multinuclear Giant Cell
Major Location : In CT under pathologic
Multinuclear Giant Cell Main Function :
Segregation and digestion of foreign
Fibroblasts (fibrocytes)
extracellular fibers and ground substance
Plasma cells
Lymphocytes (several types)
various immune/defense functions
Eosinophilic leukocytes
Modulate allergic/vasoactive reactions and defense against parasites
phagocytosis of ECM components and debris, antigen processing and presentation to immune cells, and secretion of growth factors, cytokines, and other agents
Mast cells and basophilic leukocytes
pharmacologically active molecules (e.g., histamine)