Change as a matter of modifying those forces that are acting to keep things stable
Any behavioral situation is characterized both by forces operating to maintain stability or equilibrium and by forces pushing for change
Intervention: the program or initiative suggested or implemented by the change agent
Evolutionary Change: continual process of upgrading or improving processes
Revolutionary Change: drastic changes
Change Agent: initiates the change, usually external to the organization, people who enjoy change and often make changes just for the sake of it
Client: recipient of the change effort
Change Resistant: individuals who prefer to keep things the way they are
Change Analysts: not afraid to change or make changes but want to make changes only if the changes will improve the organization
Receptive Changers: people who probably will not instigate change but are willing to change
Reluctant Changers: not instigate or welcome change, but they will change if necessary
Planned for change to occur in organizations with the least amount of tension and resistance