taxation - the exercise of the state's inherent power to impose through it's lawmaking body
taxation - a charge or burden upon persons, properties or property rights, privileges, income and receipts from employment or business transactions or practice of profession
raising revenue - primary purpose of taxation to defray the necessary expenses of the government
specialorregulatorypurposes - a non revenue purpose for regulating a business
topreventharmfulconsumptions - levying heavy excise tax on cigars and cigarettes alcohols
sin tax - tax for cigarettes and alcohols
thepowertotaxisanessentialandinherentattributeofsovereignty - no sovereign state can continue to exist without the means to pay its expenses and for the reason, it has the right to compel all citizens and properties within it's limits to contribute
thepowertotaxisinherentlylegislativeincharacter - the legislature can enact tax laws in order to raise revenues even without the grant of said power in the constitution
the power to tax is the state's strongest power; hence it is sometimes called the powertodestroy
power of taxation - a means of raising revenue in order to defray the necessary expenses of the government
poweroftaxation - strongest power of all the powers of government
police power - to promote public health, public morals, public safety and and the general welfare of the people
powerofeminentdomain - inherent power of the sovereign state to appropriate private property for public use upon observance of dude process of law and payment of just compensation
lifeblood of the government theory - for without taxes, the government can neither exist nor endure and it would be paralyzed for lack power to activate and operate it
Necessity theory - emanates from necessity for without taxes, the government cannot fulfill its mandate of promoting general welfare and well-being of the people
Benefits-protectiontheoryorsymbioticrelationshiptheory - founded in the reciprocal duties of protection and support between the state and it's inhabitants
situs of taxation - means place of taxation
The basic rule is that the state where the subject to be taxed has a situs may rightfully levy and collect the tax and the situs is necessarily in the state which has jurisdiction or which exercisesdominion over the subject in question. This is based on the theory that the tax laws of a state can have noextraterritorialoperation
Fiscaladequacy - simply means that the sources of revenue should be sufficient to meet the demands of public expenditures.
Fiscaladequacy - requires that the revenues should be capable of expanding or contracting annually in response to variations of public expenditures
Administrative feasibility - simply means that the tax system should be capable of being efficiently administered by the government and enforced with the least inconvenience to the taxpayers and to the tax administrators
Theoretical justiceorequality - means that the tax burden should he proportionate to the taxpayer's ability to pay.
Levyorimpositionofthetaxes - refers to the act of the Legislative Department of the Government of enacting tax laws authorizing the imposition of taxes on persons, rights, and privileges, property or business.
Levy - an exercise of the power to tax which is exclusively legislative in nature and character
Assessmentandcollectionoftaxes - refers to acts of Executive Department of the Government thru its Administrative Agencies in charge of implementing and administering the assessment and collection of taxes.
Assessment - refers to the act of government agency to determine the correct amount of taxes due to and payable by a taxpayer
Collection - is the actual effort exerted by the government agency to effect the exaction of what is due from the taxpayer
Paymentoftaxes - refers to the last stage of taxation wherein the taxpayer complies with its tax obligations by paying the correct amount of taxes due from him
Taxes - refers to enforced proportional contributions exacted by the State upon persons and properties pursuant to its sovereignty in order to support the government and defray all the public needs.
National taxes - are taxes being imposed and collected by the National Government.
Local taxes - taxes imposed and collected by the different Local Government Units
Yes - are customs duties also national taxes?
According to Garciav.Executive Secretary, customs duties is the nomenclature given to taxes imposed on the importation and exportation of commodities and merchandise to or from foreign country
Personal, capitation, or polltax - a tax of a fixed amount imposed upon persons or upon all the persons of a certain class, residing within specified territory, without regard to their property, occupation or business
Propertytax - tax assessed on properties of a certain class located within a certain territory on a specified date in proportion to its value
Privilege tax - tax imposed upon performance of an act, the enjoyment of a privilege or for engaging in business or exercising a profession
Direct tax - tax wherein both the incidence of or liability for the payment of the tax as well as the impact or burden of tax falls on the same person
Indirecttax - tax wherein the incidence of or liability for the payment of the tax falls on one person but the burden or impact thereof can be shifted or passed on to another
Generalorfiscaltax - tax which is levied for the general purpose of supporting the government
special, regulatory or sumptuarytax - a tax which is levied for a special purpose to achieve some social or economic objectives