attachment - Ainsworth Strange Situation

    Cards (9)

    • aim -
      observe infants behaving under stress and novelty
    • sample
      • american middle class infants (9-18months)
    • research methods
      • observation
      • measures
      • separation anxiety
      • stranger anxiety
      • reunion behaviour
      • exploration
    • findings
      • main 3 attachment types
      • secure
      • insecure avoidant
      • insecure resistant
    • conclusions
      • children can be classified into 3 different attachment types
    • ethical issues
      • protection from psychological harm
    • classification of behaviour - secure, IS avoidant , IS resistant
      1. willing to explore ; high , high , low
      2. stranger anxiety ; high , low , high
      3. separation anxiety ; some - easy to soothe, indifferent , distressed
      4. reunion with caregiver ; enthusiastic, avoid contact ,seeks and rejects
      5. caregiver ; sensitive , may ignore infant, ambivalent
      6. percentage of infants ; 66% , 22% , 12%
    • Evaluation
      1. reliability -> inter-observer reliability, perfect agreement
      2. Real -life application ->circle of security project, better understand their infants signals of distress ; improve children lives
      3. Lacks validity -> intends to measure general attachment type not infants attachment type to mother, demand characteristics ; internal and external
      4. outliers from attachment types -> suggests 4th type , disorganised ; ainsworth put infants in categories they don't belong in.