Republican State

Cards (24)

  • Article, || section. 1
    The Philippines is democratic and Republican state
  • A state wherein all government authority emanates from the people and is exercised by representative chosen by the people
  • The states renounces war
    section. 2, Article. || 1987 Constitution
  • Phillipines doesn't renounce defensive war because it's duty is to defend it's citizen.

    State Policy on War
  • Independent Foreign Policy and a Nuclear Free Philippines Section, 7. Article ||

    In it's RELATIONS WITH THE OTHER STATES, the paramount consideration shall be national sovereignty
  • Independent Foreign Policy and a Nuclear- Free Philippines
    Section, 8. Article, ||.

    The Philippines, consistent with NATIONAL INTEREST
  • Independent Foreign Policy and a Nuclear Free Philippines
    Section, 4. Article, XV|||

    EXISTING TREATIES or international agreements which have not been ratified shall
  • Reasonable conditions prescribed by law
    Section, 28. Article, ||. Policy of full Public Disclosure of Government Transactions
  • Shall be red, white and blue, with sun and a stat
    Section, 1. Article XV| flag of the Philippines
  • Section, 2. Article XV| Name of the Country, National Anthem, and National Seal
    Congress my, by Law, adopt a new name for the country
  • Section, 22. Article, ||.

    Recognition and Promotion of Rights of Indigenous Cultural Communities.
  • Indigenous People's Right Act 1997

    What is IPRA means?
  • e purpose of this RA 6657 is to promote social justice and industrialization
    Comprehensive Agrarian Reform of Law 1998
  • RA 6657
    To promote the social justice and industrialization
  • Section, 5. Article XV|| 

    Protection of Ancestral Lands of Indigenous Communities
  • NCIP

    National Commission Indigenous Peoples
  • Section, 6. Article X|||
    Application of Principles of Agrarian Reform and Stewardship to Indigenous Communities and Landless Farmers
  • Incorporation Clause
    Section, 2. Article, ||.
  • Incorporation Clause
    Section, 2. Article, ||.

    Philippines adopt the general accepted principles
  • Rights of Parents to Rear Their Children
    Sec, 2. Article, ||.
  • Right of Parents to Rear Their Children
    Section, 2. Article, ||.

    Family life and shall protect and strengthen the family
  • Doctrine of Incorporation
    Generally accepted principles of International Law
  • Doctrine of Transformation
    Rules of International law are not per se binding
  • Section, 17. Article, X|V.
    Preservation and Development of the culture, traditions, and Institutions of Indigenous Communities.