Idiographic vs nomothetic

Cards (21)

  • What is idiographic ?
    • study individuals to create a detailed and subjective explanation of behaviour
    • focussed on the uniqueness of each person as well as values, motivation and opinion
    • avoids generalisation and comparisons to the norm
  • What methods does an idiographic approach use ?
    • qualitative
    • open ended questions
    • case study
    • thematic analysis
    • self report
    • unstructured interviews
  • What is a nomothetic approach ?
    • test large samples to aquire large data sets
    • can represent a population
    • correlational or experimental
    • quantitative
    • uses inferential tests - enables predictions and laws about behaviour to be made
  • What are the 3 general laws -nomothetic?
    1. Classification
    2. principles
    3. dimensions
  • Classification ?
    People can be classified according to characteristics, attitudes or behaviours -DSM
  • Principles ?

    General laws and principles that can be applied to behaviour
    • stimulus response
  • Dimensions ?
    Creating a continuum that people can be placed on and compared to
    • introversion/extroversion
  • What research methods are used by nomothetic ?
    • experiments
    • surveys
    • questionajre
    • content analysis
    • closed questions
  • What is the combined approach ?
    Possible to consider the same topic or issue from both perspectives
    • they both complement eachother and together add rich understanding of human behaviour
  • What are the 3 methods of a combined approach ?
    • triangulation
    • inductive
    • deductive
  • triangulation ?

    To use multiple methods of data collection on the same topic to increase reliability and credibility
  • Inductive
    Idiographic methods and then larger nomothetic
  • Deductive
    Uses nomothetic methods then idiographic
  • What did holt argue ?
    Idiographic approached create nomothetic approaches
    A there Is no such thing as a unique individual - we all strive to be the same
  • What is behaviourism ?
    Nomothetic as created general laws to explain behaviour as a whole that is applied to many behaviours
  • What is drug therapy for sz?
    Nomothetic as applied to all patients
  • What is the psychodynamic approach ?
    Idiographic-> nomothetic
    • used case studies like little hans which fried then made the psychosexual stages from
  • Strength of idiographic ?
    • gives rich detail and meaning which reinforces the idea that humans are complex
    • can compliment the nomothetic approach
  • Weakness of idiographic approach ?
    • time consuming to complete and require 1 to 1 days collection
    • case studies are single experience
    • cant be generalised
    • lacks population validity
  • Strength of nomothetic approach ?
    • more scientific as use of standardised procedures provide predictions and conculiains about behaviour
    • high population validity
  • Weakness of nomothetic approach ?
    • statistics and general laws don't tell us the unique experience of having a disorder or being human
    • quantitative data removed the subjective experiences from humans by reducing them to numbers