3. Role of Chromosomes + Hormones

Cards (13)

    1. Role of Chromosomes + Hormones
    Chromosomes (in nucleus, carry info in genes).
    • 23rd pair determine biological sex.
    Hormones (chemical substance circulated in blood).
    • regulates activity of cells/organs.
  • 1a. Role of Chromosomes + Hormones
    Biological perspective, sex/gender same.
    • behavioural/psych/social diff between sexes due to physiology.
    • genes determine male/female + which hormones produced = gender identity.
  • 2. Role of Chromosomes + Hormones
    Testosterone - hormone from androgen group; male testes.
    • development male sex organs + secondary sexual characteristics (puberty).
    • high levels = high aggression (explains higher aggression than women).
    • Poll (1998), female rats w/ testosterone = high agg.
  • 2a. Role of Chromosomes + Hormones
    Oestrogen - female secondary sexual characteristics (breast development + menstruation/reproductive).
    • high emotions/irritability in menstrual cycle (explains more emotions than men).
    • PMS = disorder.
  • 2b. Role of Chromosomes + Hormones
    Oxytocin - released in large quantities during labour/after childbirth.
    • bonding (men + women), mother-baby bonding.
    • calming effect.
    • reduce stress hormone (cortisol) - F/F response.
    • females, ’tend + befriend‘ (protective + alliances).
    • not happen in men, testosterone dampens effect of oxytocin hormone.
    • ‘love hormone’; equal amounts in sexes during kissing/sexual intercourse.
  • 3. Role of Chromosomes + Hormones
    • Chromosomes (made from DNA) + genes (sections of DNA) determine characteristics.
    • 46 chromosomes in body; 23 pairs — 23rd pair determines biological sex.
    • Eggs produced by ovary = X chromosome; sperm has X (girl) or Y (boy) chromosome.
  • 3a. Role of Chromosomes + Hormones
    • Y-chromosome carries SRY-gene = testes grow in XY embryo.
    • produce androgens = embryo becomes male as testosterone produces male genitalia.
    • testosterone acts on brain, alters organisation to ‘male pattern’.
    • w/o high androgen levels, embryo develops female.
  • 3b. Role of Chromosomes + Hormones
    • chromosomes (genetic transmission) explains how individuals acquire sex + which hormone produced.
    • explains aspects of gender bc link between chromosomes (genes), genitalia + hormones.
  • 4. Role of Chromosomes + Hormones
    Real-Life Application - David Reimer:
    • Bruce + Brian Reimer born twin boys.
    • botched circumcision, Bruce no penis.
    • parents worked w/ psychologist (John Money), theory gender neutrality.
    • Bruce, now Brenda, raised stereotypically feminine.
    • Brenda never adjusted to life as female, when told truth, went to being a man — David.
    • 2004, suicide.
  • Role of Chromosomes + Hormones (Evaluation)
    P - influence of chromosomes on gender identity supported by David Reimer case.
    E - Dabbs (1995), prisoners w/ high testosterone more likely commit violent/sexual crime.
    E - Goozen (1995), transgender undergoing hormone treatment, injected w/ opposite sex; male-to-female, lower aggression.
    L - sex hormones, influence on gender behaviours.
  • Role of Chromosomes + Hormones (Evaluation)
    P - double-blind study, Tricker (1996), males given weekly testosterone or placebo.
    E - no significant difference in aggression across 2 groups; suggests sex hormones little effect on gender-related behaviour.
    E - studies of biological factors in gender = small samples of unusual people/animals.
    L - low generalisability.
  • Role of Chromosomes + Hormones (Evaluation)
    P - question effects oestrogen level on women’s mood + challenge medical category PMS = stereotypes.
    E - Rodin (1992), PMS social construct, way of privileging certain groups over others.
    E - feminists, medicalisation of women’s lives + dismiss emotions by explaining through biology.
    L - androcentrism.
  • Role of Chromosomes + Hormones (Evaluation)
    P - Maccoby + Jacklin (1974), more difference in behaviour within sexes than between.
    E - SLT, importance of social context in learning gender identity/role.
    L - influence of social norms explain cross-cultural diff in gender behaviour + in Western society as male/female become more androgynous.