Refrigerator Mother 5

    Cards (6)

    • Kanner
      Developed the theory in the 1940s.
      Created the first set of diagnostic criteria for ASD.
      Observed a lack of warmth from parents of children with ASD.
      Described children with ASD as being brought up in emotional refrigerators - cold, distant, overly intellectual parents.
      Focused on mothers who he said had just happened to defrost long enough to produce a child.
      Origins of theory lie in psychodynamic approach - childhood experience.
    • Bettelheim
      Child development specialist.
      Brought the refrigerator mother theory to the general public.
      Explained ASD as an emotional disorder caused by emotionally detached mothers & their relationships with their children.
      In his book ‘the empty fortress’ he compared children with ASD to prisoners in a concentration camp due to the lack of maternal affection they received.
      Solution is to remove children from this environment & place them in one with warm, emotional care.
    • Typical child development
      Child faces challenge
      Child overwhelmed so withdraws
      Parent responds with love & reassurance
      Child feels safe & returns to normal behaviour
    • Cycle leading to ASD
      Child faces challenge
      Child overwhelmed so withdraws
      Child met with rejection & coldness
      Child withdraws further
    • Strengths of refrigerator mother theory
      Supporting evidence (Kanner’s observations)
    • Weaknesses of refrigerator mother theory
      Lack of credibility of researcher
      Observations are subjective
      Social sensitivity
      Ignores other family types
      Direction of causation unclear
      Doesn’t explain repetitive behaviours
      Ignores nature