Biological approach explaining OCD

    Cards (13)

    • Genetic explanations
      Some mental disorders appear to have a stronger biological component than others, and OCD is a good example of a condition that may be largely understood as biological in nature
    • Genetic explanation for OCD

      • Genes are involved in individual vulnerability to OCD
      • OCD runs in families, although what is probably passed on from one generation to the next is genetic vulnerability not the certainty of OCD
    • Diathesis-stress model
      Certain genes leave some people more likely to develop a mental disorder but it is not certain, some environmental stress (experience) is necessary to trigger the condition
    • Candidate genes
      Genes that create vulnerability for OCD, some are involved in regulating the development of the serotonin system
    • OCD is polygenic
    • OCD is not caused by one single gene but by a combination of genetic variations that together significantly increase vulnerability</b>
    • Up to 230 different genes may be involved in OCD
    • Genes associated with the action of dopamine as well as serotonin have been studied in relation to OCD
    • Aetiologically heterogeneous
      The origins (aetiology) of OCD vary from one person to another
    • Different types of OCD may be the result of particular genetic variations, such as hoarding disorder and religious obsession
    • Neural explanations
      The genes associated with OCD are likely to affect the levels of key neurotransmitters as well as structures of the brain
    • Role of serotonin
      Low levels of serotonin may lead to abnormal transmission of mood-relevant information and contribute to OCD
    • Decision-making systems
      • Some cases of OCD, and in particular hoarding disorder, seem to be associated with impaired decision-making and abnormal functioning of the lateral frontal lobes and left parahippocampal gyrus