Cheniaux et al. had two psychiatrists independently diagnose 100 patients using ICD-10 and DSM-5
One psychiatrist diagnosed 26 with schizophrenia using DSM-5 and 44 using ICD-10, the second psychiatrist diagnosed 13 with schizophrenia using DSM-5 and 24 using ICD-10
How bizarre is bizarre? This is not properly defined and so clinicians often use their own experience to classify a delusion as bizarre and so this varies between clinicians
Cochrane reported that the incidence of schizophrenia in the West Indies and the UK is 1 %, but that people of Afro-Caribbean origin are seven times more likely to be diagnosed as schizophrenic when living in the UK
High levels of criticism and conflict and low levels of empathy was implicated in the development of schizophrenia in children with a high genetic risk but had no effect on children with a low genetic risk
Research by Romans-Clarkson et al 1990 found no urban rural difference in mental health among women in New Zealand which suggests urbanisation does not act as a trigger for Schizophrenia
Children who experienced severe trauma before the age of 16 were 3 times more likely to develop schizophrenia in later life compared to the general population
Relationship between the level of trauma and the likelihood of developing schizophrenia with those severely traumatised as children being at greater risk
Without the professionals there to constantly reinforce the behaviour of people with schizophrenia, they are not able to engage in the target behaviours outside of the hospital setting