atypical sex chromosome patterns

Cards (12)

  • atypical sex chromosome patterns
    any sex chromosome pattern that deviates from the usual XX/XY formation and which tends to be associated with a distinct pattern of physical and psychological symptoms
  • Klinefelter's syndrome
    affects male when an individual genotype has an extra X chromosome characterised by a tall thin physique, small infertile testes and enlarged breasts
  • Turner's syndrome
    A chromosomal disorder in which affected women have only one X chromosome causing developmental abnormalities and infertility
  • Klinefelter's syndrome
    • 1 in 600 biological males
    • additional X chromosome - XXY
    • 2/3 of people who have Klinefelter's may not know
  • Klinefelter's - physical characteristics
    • reduces body hair
    • breast development - softening and rounding of body contours
    • long gangly limbs
    • underdeveloped genitals
    • reduced body hair
    • problems with co-ordination
    • clumsiness
  • Klinefelter's - psychological characteristics
    • poorly developed language skills and reading ability
    • passive, shy
    • lack interest in sexual activity
    • don't respond well to stressful situations
    • bad memory and problem solving
  • Turner's syndrome
    • 1 in 5000 biological females
    • absence of one X chromosome - XO
  • Turner's - physical characteristics
    • no menstrual cycle - ovaries dont develop
    • do not develop breasts - broad shield chest
    • low set ears
    • webbed neck
    • high waist-to-hip ratio
    • physically immature
  • Turner's - psychological characteristics
    • higher than average reading ability
    • socially immature
    • trouble fitting in
  • AO3 - atypical sex chromosome patterns - strength
    P: contribution to the nature-nurture debate
    E: Able to see psychological and behavioural differences between chromosome-typical and chromosome-atypical - Klinefelter boys are more passive than typical boys
    E: Shows these differences have a biological basis - result of abnormal chromosomal structure
    L: supports the view that innate nature influences have powerful effect on behaviour
  • AO3 - atypical sex chromosome patterns - strength
    P: real world application - managing the syndromes
    E: Australian study - 87 individuals with Klinefelter's showed that those identified and treated at young age experienced signif. benefits compared to those who had been diagnosed in adulthood
    E: continued research into atypical sex chromosomes is likely to lead to earlier and more accurate diagnoses of Turners and klinefelters syndromes - more positive outcomes
    L: increased awareness holds useful real-world application
  • AO3 - atypical sex chromosome patterns - nature counterpoint
    P: the relationship between the atypical chromosomal patterns and the difference in behaviour seen in the individuals is not causal
    E: environmental and social influences are more responsible for the behavioural differences observed - social immaturity seen in females with Turner's may arise from the fact they are treated immaturely because of their appearance
    E: this encourages immature behaviour- impacts their performance at school
    L: wrong to assume the psychological and behavioural differences are due to nature