
Cards (5)

  • Adams (1981)?
    american prisons, black inmates more likely to be associated with violence. black prisoners tended to come from poorer backgrounds, so imported cultural norms
  • Gaes et al (1988)?

    82,000 prisoners, Hispanic backgrounds more violent than non Hispanic. Prisoners with Asian backgrounds less likely to be violent. culture and ethnicity can contribute to aggression.
  • DeLisi (2004)?
    813 male inmates in US prisons, found no correlation between violence in prisons and previous gang membership.
  • Dispositional?
    individuals disposition, traits and characteristics that create an individuals personality are the main factors in aggression displayed by an individual.
  • Irwin and Cressey (1962)?

    Importation model- individuals import their characteristics into the prison. If someone comes from a violent subculture they will continue to be violent in prison