Genetic Factors

Cards (12)

  • Cause?
    early psychologists believed cause of aggression lies in the Y chromosome. genotype XYY "supermales". selective breeding shows aggression is a gene that can be transmitted
  • Court- Brown (1965)?
    314 patients has XXY and put forward the view they should remain hospitalised.
  • twins?

    higher concordance rate in MZ twins than DZ means aggression has a genetic element.
  • MAOA gene?
    dysfunction in gene can lead to noradrenaline, adrenaline and dopamine not being broken down. If adrenaline not broken down then can cause a hypersensitive fight-or flight
  • Dopamine?

    high- increases feeling of reward from aggressive behavior
  • Serotonin?
    low- lack of inhibition over impulsive behaviours.
  • Noradrenaline?
    high- overreaction to perceived threats
  • Theilgaard (1984)?

    men with XYY genotype and found XYY can increase in height with individuals but not aggression
  • Coccaro et al (1997)?
    compared MZ vs DZ twin. MZ twins 50% concordance rate vs DZ twins 19%
  • Godar et al (2014)?

    selective breeding, removing knock out gene in mice. MAOA knockout showed increased aggression, higher levels of serotonin. serotonin levels normal: behaviour stabilised
  • Brunner (1993)?
    study on an aggressive family. 5 of the males had dysfunctional MAOA gene. females unaffected. (Y chromosome)
  • Tuart et al (2014)?

    97 men involved with severe domestic abuse. most violent men had faulty MAOA gene. men engaged in the highest level of physical and psychological aggression.