enterprise, business growth and size

Cards (21)

  • Entrepreneur
    A person who organizes, operates and takes the risk of a new business venture
  • Advantages of being an entrepreneur
    • Flexible
    • Your own boss
    • Take responsibility
    • Can get very rich and famous
  • Disadvantages of being an entrepreneur
    • Might lose a lot of money
    • A lot of risk involved
    • Only person to raise the capital especially initially
    • A lot of pressure because you're the only one
    • Cannot share ideas with others about ideas of other people
  • Characteristics of a good entrepreneur
    • Hard working
    • Risk taker
    • Creative
    • Optimistic
  • Self-confident
    Necessary to convince other people of your skills and convince banks to lend you money and make sure your business will be successful
  • Effective communicating
    Need to talk clearly and confidently about the business to raise the profile of the business
  • What is included in a business plan
    • Business overview
    • Information about the products
    • Marketing
    • Selling and delivery
    • Business organization
    • Financial projections
    • Customer service
    • Business stretching
    • Advertising
  • Business plan
    A document that contains business objectives and important details about the operations, finance and owners of the new business
  • What is a business plan used for
    • Loan applications
    • For the owner to think ahead and think about the future
    • To let the employees and stakeholders in the business know what's going on
    • To let investors know what's going on
  • The number of millionaires in China is over 1.5 million and most of these are successful entrepreneurs
  • There has been a start-up boom by Chinese entrepreneurs who studied abroad and returned to China
  • Over 10,000 new businesses start up every day which is about 70 businesses every minute
  • Why governments support startups
    • Helps unemployment
    • Increases the output of the country which will improve the economic situation
    • Increases competition which drives businesses to succeed
    • Benefits society with the families of employees and the economy growing
    • Helps business growth
  • How governments support new businesses
    • Offer business idea and help
    • Organize training for entrepreneurs
    • Organize the ranging of premises
    • Provide low cost premises in enterprise zones
    • Give loans and grants to small businesses
    • Give labor grants to small businesses to train employees and increase productivity
    • Encourage universities to make research facilities available to new business entrepreneurs
  • Reasons why businesses want to expand
    • Make more money
    • Save money
    • Beat the competition
    • Feel pride in what you're doing
  • Types of business expansion
    • Internal expansion (e.g. a restaurant opening in more cities)
    • External expansion (e.g. merging with or taking over another business)
  • Types of external expansion
    • Horizontal merger (taking over a business in the same industry)
    • Vertical merger (taking over a business at a different stage of production)
    • Conglomerate merger (taking over a business in a completely different industry)
  • Problems that can result from business expansion
    • Larger business is difficult to control
    • Poor communication
    • Expansion costs too much leading to finance shortages
    • Integration with another business is more difficult than expected
  • Small business
    A business that has less than 250 employees
  • Reasons why some businesses remain small
    • Type of industry has a niche market
    • Market size is small
    • Owner wants to maintain strict control
  • Reasons why some businesses fail
    • Lack of management
    • Change in business environment
    • Liquidity problems
    • Overexpansion
    • New business at higher risk of failing