Cards (55)

  • Learning
    Deals with how experience changes the brain
  • Memory
    Deals with how changes in the brain are stored and subsequently reactivated
  • Amnesia
    Any pathological loss of memory
  • Bilateral Medial Temporal Lobectomy
    • Removal of the medial portions of both temporal lobes, including most of the hippocampus, amygdala, and adjacent cortex
  • Global Amnesia
    Amnesia for information presented in all sensory modalities
  • Incomplete Picture Test
    A nonsensorimotor test of memory that employs five sets of fragmented drawings
  • Remote Memory
    • Memory for experiences in the distant past
  • Memory Consolidation
    • The translation of short-term memories into long-term memories
  • Explicit Memories

    Conscious long term memory
  • Implicit Memories
    Memory without conscious awareness
  • Medial Temporal Lobe Amnesia
    evidence of medial temporal lobe damage
  • Repetition Priming Test
    Tests that asses implicit memory
  • Semantic Memories
    Explicit memories for general facts or information
  • Episodic Memories
    Explicit memories for the particular events (autobiographical memory)
  • Global Cerebral Ischemia
    Interruption of blood supply to the entire brain
  • Transient Global Amnesia
    Sudden onset of amnesia in the absence of any obvious cause in otherwise normal adults
  • Korsakoff's Syndrome
    Disorder of memory common in people who have consumed large amounts of alcohol, largely attributable to brain damage associated with thiamine deficiency
  • Medial Diencephalic Amnesia
    Amnesia, such as Korsakoff amnesia, associated with damage to the medial diencephalon
  • Alzheimer's Disease
    Major cause of amnesia, associated with reduced acetylcholine levels in the brain due to degeneration of the basal forebrain
  • Posttraumatic Amnesia
    Amnesia following a nonpenetrating blow to the head
  • Coma
    Pathological state of unconsciousness
  • Islands of Memory
    Surviving memories for isolated events that occurred during periods for which other memories have been wiped out
  • Hebb's Theory

    Memories of experiences are stored in the short term by neural activity reverberating (circulating) in closed circuits
  • Engram
    A change in the brain that stores a memory
  • Electroconvulsive Shock
    Intense, brief, diffuse, seizure-inducing current administered to the brain through large electrodes attached to the scalp
  • Reconsolidation
    The hypothesis that each time a memory is retrieved from long term storage, it is temporarily held in changeable short-term memory
  • Dual Trace Theory
    Memories are temporarily stored in the hippocampus until they can be transferred to a more stable cortical storage system
  • Delayed Nonmatching-to-Sample Test
    Showed that monkeys with bilateral medial temporal lobectomies have major problems forming long-term memories for objects encountered
  • Mumby Box
    Rat version of nonmatching-to-sample test
  • Morris Water Maze Test

    Intact rats placed at various locations in a circular pool of murky water rapidly learn to swim to a stationary platform hidden just below the surface
  • Radial Arm Maze Test

    Arms radiate out from a central starting chamber, and the same few arms are baited with food each day
  • Reference Memory
    Memory for the general principles and skills that are required to perform a task
  • Working Memory
    Temporary memory that is necessary for the successful performance of a task on which one is currently working
  • Place Cells
    Neurons that respond only when a subject is in specific locations
  • Entorhinal Cortex
    An area of the medial temporal cortex that is a major source of neural signals to the hippocampus
  • Grid Cells
    Entorhinal neurons that each have an extensive array of evenly spaced place fields, producing a pattern reminiscent of graph paper
  • Jennifer Aniston Neurons
    Medial temporal lobe neurons that respond to ideas or concepts rather than to particulars (concept cells)
  • Tagging Stage

    Neurons that are active during the learning task are induced to express opsins
  • Manipulate Stage

    The previously active neurons are now either inhibited or excited by using light to influence the activity of the opsin-tagged neurons
  • Memories are stored diffusely in the brain and thus can survive destruction of any single structure