The biosphere is the living layer of the earth. All plants and animals are found here.
The biosphere is divided into large regions called biomes. A biome is a largescaleecosystem. Each has its own climate, plant species and animal species
Importance of biosphere
Services-Mangrove forests provide defences against coastal flooding, regulation of carbondioxide and oxygen, water storage in glaciers preventsfloods
Importance of biosphere
Indigenous goods-rainforests are used sustainably by hunter gatherers who live in small, circular houses
Importance of biosphere
Goods exploitation-when biomass is burnt, it releases carbon stores into the atmosphere, deforestation also takes away large nutrient stores which impacts the soil. Biomes are cleared for mining metal ores (copper/iron) and for timber. Decline in wetlands and animals because of increaseddemand in resources
Increase in water consumption
Lake depletion from water usage
High demand for vehicles
Pollution damages biomes
higher meat intake
More animals from biomes removed
What determines the distribution and characteristics of biomes?