It was made up of noblemen who acted as the monarch's advisers and friends . They advised the monarch and helped display her wealth and power . They could also be members of the Privy Council .
Who were the Privy Council ?
They were members of the nobilityt who helped govern the country . They monitored parliament , justices of the peace and oversaw law and order and security of the country .
Who were Parliament ?
They advised her government and were made up of the house of Lords and the house of Commons . The house of Lords was made up of noblemen and bishops , while the house of Commons were elected . They passed laws and approved taxes .
Who were Lord Lieutenants ?
They were noblemen appointed by government who governed English countries and raised the local militia .
Who were justices of the peace ?
They were large land owners appointed by government who kept law and order localy and heard court cases .
Who were the nobility ?
They were major land owners ; often lords , dukes and earls .
Who were the gentry ?
They owned smaller estates
Who were the yeoman farmers ?
They owned a small amount of land .
Who were Tenant farmers ?
They rented land from the yeoman farmers and the gentry .
Who were the landless and labouring poor ?
They were people who did not own or rent land and had to work or labour to provide for themselves and their families .
Who were the homeless and vagrants ?
They were people who moved from place to place looking for work .
Who were merchants ?
They were traders who were very wealthy
Who were professionals ?
They were lawyers , doctors and clergymen
Who were business owners ?
They were often highly skilled craftsmen such as silversmiths , glovers , carpenters or tailors .
Who were craftsmen ?
They were skilled employees including aprentices
Who were the unskilled labourers and the unemployed ?
They were people who had no regular work and could not provide for themselves and their families .
What percentage lived in the countryside ?
What were Elizabeth's problems when she became queen ?
She was young and lacked experience , her legitimacy , she was protestant , while Mary was Catholic , she was not married , the government was in £300000 debt
What were Elizabrth's strengths ?
She was charesmatic , well educated , was able to use her powers of patronage effectively and the number of protestants were growing so she could claim divineright .
How did the image of the virgin queen help Elizabeth ?
It showed she was married only to England and depicted a confident but feminine monarch rightfully crowned queen .
Crown debt owed to foreign moneylenders
Over £100,000
Mary I had sold off crown lands
Crown's income from rents was falling
Elizabeth needed money
To remain secure on the throne by rewarding her supporters
Crown devalued the coinage
1. Reducing its silver and gold content
2. To make more money to fight wars against France
Devaluing the coinage resulted in inflation as the value of the currency fell
How did Elizabeth solve her financial problems ?
Instead of raising taxes , she hoarded her income and cut her household expenses by half . She also sold crownlands , raising £120000 .
What year was the crown out of debt ?
How was France a threat in 1558 ?
It was more wealthy and Mary Queen of Scots was married to the frenchheir . The Auldalliance meant that French soldiers were stationed in Scotland . France was no longer at war with Spain and was a catholic country . England had lost Calais to France .
how did Elizabeth deal with the french threat ?
She signed the Peace of Troyes , which recognised the french claim to Calais
What are the beliefs of the catholic church ?
The pope is the head of the church , helpred by cardinals , bishops and priests . The church is the intermediary between God and people and can forgive sins . During mass , the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of christ . Priests are celibate .
Catholic practices
Services were in latin , priests wore vestements and chruches were highlydecorated .
Catholic support
They had the majority in the north and west of england
Protestant beliefs
No pope , however they did have archbishops and bishops . They believed in a personaldirect relationship with God via prayer and the bible . Only God could forgive sins . The bread and wine represent the body and blood of christ . There is no miracle . Priests can marry .
Protestant practices
Services were held in English and priests wore simplevestements . Churches were plain and simple
Protestant support
Mostly in south-east england
Puritan beliefs
No popes , cardinals or bishops . (the rest is the same as protestant)
Puritan practices
Churches were witewashed with no decorations
Puritan support
They were mostly found in London and East Anglia .