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what is the domestic division of labour?
the roles that men and women play in relation to the housework , childcare and paidwork
who's theory is the gender roles?
what are the 2 gender roles?
(1) instrumental - males and (2) expressive - female
what does Parsons argue about the 2 roles?
that they are the natural way and the DOL is based on biological differences
who's idea is the joint and segregated roles?
what are the segregated roles?
the couple have separated roles and responsibilities
what are the joint roles?
the couple share paid work , domestic tasks and childcare
who's theory is the symmetrical family?
Wilmott and Young
what do W&Y say about the symmetrical family?
the husbands and wives role are more like joint conjugal roles but there are still some differences between the roles and responsibilities
what do W&Y say the characteristics of a symmetrical family are?
(1)women go out to work even if it is part time (2) men now help with childcare and housework (3) couples spend leisure time together
what are the 4 social changes in the symmetrical family?
(1) changes in women's role (2) geographic mobility (3) new technologies (4) higher standards of living
what does Rosemary Crompton argue?
that the DOL is still unequal because men still earn more than women and therefore women are expected to do more housework and childcare
how do W&Y characterise the symmetrical family?
(1)stable (2)child-centred (3)greater levels of equality between the genders (4)mutual adaptation between needs of home and economy
what are the issues with the symmetrical family being stable?
(1)rising divorce rates (2)domestic violence (3)child abuse
what are the issues with the symmetrical family being child-centred?
(1)it is centred on the needs of adults (2)it is centred on the needs of the economy
what are the issues with the symmetrical family having greater levels of equality?
(1)pay gap (2)women still do more housework (3)men still dominate decision making
who rejects W&Y march of progress argument?
feminists (all except liberal)
what does Oakley say about the symmetrical family?
it is a huge overstatement because men's 'help' with housework is tiny
what statistics did Oakley find?
only 15% of men had a high level of participation in housework and 25% in childcare
who supports Oakley's argument?
Mary Boulton
what did Boulton find about the symmetrical family?
less than 20% of husbands had a major role in childcare
who supports Boulton's argument?
Braun , Vincent and Ball
what did Braun , Vincent and Ball find in their study?
in their study of 70 families only 3 of these was a father the main carer and argued that most are background fathers with a 'provider ideology'
what did Warde and Hetherington find in their study?
found that wives are 30 times more likely to be the last person to have washed up and men were 4 times more likely to have washed the car
what did Gershuny find in the impact of paid work?
women who do paid work do less work within the home and the longer a woman was in paid work , the more housework her husband did.
what statistics did Gershuny find?
wives with no job did 83% of housework , wives with a part time job did 82% of housework and women with a full time job did 73% of the housework
what did Silver and Schor argue?
increased technology means women have less timely housework to do and this has led to the 'death of the housewife role'
what evidence do Ferri and Smith find?
women suffer from a dual burden and in their study less than 4% of the cases the man was in charge of childcare
what does Morris say about the dual burden?
that unemployed men see domestic tasks as 'women's work'
what do Duncombe and Marsden argue?
there is actually a triple burden because women are used for emotional support as well as housework and childcare and paid work
what is a dual burden?
women are burdened with both housework and childcare
what is a triple shift?
women are burdened with housework , childcare and paid work
what does Dunne say about gender scripts?
these are social expectations of men and women doing set things
what did Man-Yee Kan find?
income from employment , age and education affected how much housework women did
what did Graham find out about money management?
over half the women in her study preferred benefits to their previous financial support from their husbands after they split up
what does the earner of the house have more say in?
decision making
what are the 2 types of control over income did Pahl and Vogler find?
pooling and the allowance system
what is pooling?
both partners have joint access to income eg. a joint bank account
what is the allowance system?
men give women a budget for the home and childcare and keep the rest
what statistics did Pahl and Vogler find?
pooling had increased from 19% with the parents to 50% with the current couple
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