Social change is when a society changes their beliefs/attitudes toward a certain topic. An example of this being the change in attitude towards homosexuality.
Process of social change:
drawing attention - highlight what needs to be changed, give evidence of this change being needed.
consistency - hold same beliefs for a long time & all people in the group share them.
augmentation principle - make a personal risk, shows commitment and the importance of the change.
deeper processing - people start to question the majority & their beliefs.
snowball effect - people start to convert to the minority view.
social cryptomnesia - people remember that a change happened but not how it happened.
Asch's research shows that social change is encouraged when people draw attention to what is already happening (NSI). Adding a dissenter who broke unanimity helped create social change.
Milgram's research showed the importance of an authority figure and a disobedient individual. This is how social change is created.
Zimbardo found that if people obey less serious instructions they will obey more serious instructions. Social change can be created this way.
Social change AO3:
supporting evidence for NSI causing social change: Nolan et al. Put notes on doors about decreasing energy consumption, said most people were already doing it. Consumption decreased.Validates the idea.
minority influence is an indirect explanation of social change. Nemeth = effects of minority influence = indirect & delayed. Takes time to see the effects. Other explanations.
minority influence=limited explanation of social change. Change happens if the minority is consistent but Bashir found people don't want to be eco friendly as they don't want to be labelled.