Will commitcrimes if the benefitsoutweigh the cost or they believethey will getaway with it.
Theft, fraud, etc.
Conventional Morality
Lesslikely to commitcrimes
Crime is justified if it helpsmaintainrelationshipsorsociety
Stealingforfamilymember,selfdefence,speeding to hospital
Post-conventional morality
Justified to help maintain humanrights or furthersocialjustice.
Egcrimesrelated to protesting,releasinganimals from alab
Chen & Howitt (2007)
Male offenders in 6youthcorrectional institutions in Taiwanandcontrolsfrom one juniorand two senior high schoolsparticipated in the study.
Self-reportedcriminalhistoriesclassifiedaccording to theircharacteristicoffence type (drug, violent or theft).
Overallmoralreasoningdevelopment stage were significantly less mature in offenders than in controlsdespiteoffendersmean age beinghigher.Those who showed more advancedmoralreasoningwere less likely to engage in violent crimes.
Hostile attribution bias
A type of cognitivebiaswhereindividualstend to interpretthebehaviour of others in varioussituations as threatening, aggressive or both.
Applying methods of modifying
Anger management
Strengths of cognitive factors theory
Supporting research
Practical applications (anger management, teaching moral reasoning)
Weaknesses of cognitive factors theory
Use of hypotheticaldilemmas
Hostile attributionbias only explainsviolent crimes