types of long term memory

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    • Episodic memories are memories about events in our lives. Episodic memories are complex and time-stamped. A conscious effort is needed to recall these memories. An example of episodic memories is remembering your 18th birthday party.
    • Semantic memories are memories about common knowledge. These memories are not time-stamped but have to be consciously recalled. An example of this is knowing that the Big Ben is in London.
    • Procedural memories are memories about skills and actions. Procedural memories do not need to be consciously recalled and are not time-stamped. An example of this is knowing how to walk.
    • Types of LTM AO3:
      • case study: Clive wearing. Has procedural & semantic memories but not episodic. Increases validity of different types of LTM.
      • RWA: Belleville et al. Improved episodic memories of of dementia patients by showing them photos of their day. People who had the photos had better memories. Supports the idea of different types of LTM.
      • conflicting neuroimaging. One piece of research found episodic & semantic memories were on different sides of the prefrontal cortex, other research found that episodic memories are on both sides of the prefrontal cortex. Little reliability.