looked at how early infant-adult attachments were formed
observed 60 babies from Glasgow for 18 months (working class)
researchers went to ppts homes monthly for 1st year of the babies life; visited one more time once the babies were 18 m/o
asked mothers how the baby interacts with them & others
50% of babies = specific attachment by 7 m/o (most to mother)
found that infants develop attachments through different stages. Infants also experienced different emotions at different stages.
4 stages of attachment:
asocial: 0-8weeks. Can't tell the difference between humans & objects. Happiest in the presence of other people/objects. Start to recognise faces. No stranger or separation anxiety.
indiscriminate: 2-7m/o. Know the difference between people & objects, prefer people. Accept comfort from all people. Recognise people. No stranger or separation anxiety.
specific: 7-12m/o. Attach to one person. Familiar people are secure bases. Have stranger & separation anxiety.
multiple: 1+ years. Start to form secondary attachments. Some stranger & separation anxiety.
Schaffer & Emerson - AO3:
No demand characteristics. Means that findings can be applied to behaviours in the stages. Ppts = in own home when researched. Increases the use of the research.
Outdated. Research took place in the 60s - women stayed at home, men worked. Have been changes since then, more women work. Little temporal validity.
Culturally bias sample. All ppts were from Glasgow. Can't apply findings to other cultures - lacks population validity. BUT, a large sample was used. More data was collected which increases the validity.
Stages of attachment AO3:
ethnocentric supporting research. Schaffer & Emerson: individualistic culture. Does not represent stages of attachment in collectivist cultures. Collectivist cultures - unlikely to have specific attachment. Decreases application/generalisability.
social sensitive. Infants do stages at different points. Parents = think they have done something wrong if their child is not going through a certain stage at a certain time. Causes harm.
economic implications. Specific attachment = 7 m/o. Most mothers go to work at this time. Think leave should be extended. Costs money.