Shared Toilet is an excreta disposal system used by 2-3 households (10 – 15 individuals)
Communal Excreta Disposal System is an excreta disposal system that serves a group of dwellings toilet facility shared by 2 or more households
Ventilated Improved Pit(VIP)Laterine
refers to an on-site toilet facility wherein the pit receives excreta directly from the user and therefore does not require water for flushing
Pour-flush Toilet with Septic Tank
The pour-flush toilet has a bowl with a water-seal trap. It is as hygienic as the conventional tank-flush toilet and requires only a small volume of water for flushing.
Water carriage type with pour-flush type toilet
connected to septic tanks/or to sewerage systems to treatment plants.
Pit Latrine or Open Pit Privy
Pit Latrine or Open Pit Privy
a pit of at least the same dimension as the sanitary pit privy, provided with pit flooring, with or without riser and seat and without cover to protect from flies and rodents.
structure provided with flooring and with an opening built above the body of water or above the ground without a pit under it, used for defecation or the disposal of human waste. It may be a part of the house or a separate structure outside the house.