influence of culture and media

    Cards (10)

    • cross-cultural research
      • valuable to nature nurture debate in gender
      • if gendered-behaviour is consistent across cultures - might conclude it is innate
    • cultural differences
      Margaret Mead - cross-cultural study of tribal groups on the island of New Guinea:
      • the Arapesh were gentle and responsive (similar to UK stereotype of femininity)
      • the Mundugumor were aggressive and hostile (similar to UK stereotype of masculinity)
      • the Tchambuli women were dominant and they organised the village, whilst men were passive (reverse of common UK stereotype)
    • Meads conclusions
      • there may not be biological relationship between sex and gender, and gender roles may be culturally determined
    • cultural similarities
      • David Buss found consistent patterns in mate preference in 37 countries across all continents
      • women sought men who could offer wealth and resource
      • men looked for youth and physical attractiveness
    • media
      • provides role models with whom children may identify and want to imitate
      • children likely to select models of same sex and who engage in gender-appropriate behaviour
    • rigid stereotypes
      • media provides very clear gender stereotypes that are rigid
      • study of TV adverts by Furnham and Farragher
      • men were more likely to be shown in autonomous roles within professional contexts whereas women were often seen occupying familial roles within domestic settings
      • suggests media plays role in reinforcing social stereotypes concerning male and female behaviour
    • information giving
      • evidence that children with more exposure to media tend tend to display more gender-stereotypical views in their behaviour and attitudes
      • does more than confirm gender-typical - gives information of the likely success in adopting these behaviours
      • seeing others perform gender-appropriate behaviours increases the childs belief that they are capable of carrying out such behaviours in the future (self-efficacy)
    • W - criticisms of Mead's research
      • criticised for observer bias and for making generalisations based on a relatively short period of time
      • freeman conducted a follow up study of the Samoan people and argued her findings were flawed - her preconceptions of what she would find influenced her reading of events
    • W - imposed etic
      • cross-cultural research typically conducted by western researchers
      • danger that researchers, armed with theories and methods developed in the west, impose their own cultural understanding upon the people they are studying
      • western ways of doing research may be largely meaningless when transferred to other cultures
      • including at least one member of local population on research team to guard against this
    • W - correlation not causation
      • media has considerable influence on gender role stereotypes
      • vast majority of children exposed to the media on regular basis - control groups of children who are beyond medias influence are not available for comparison
      • without this comparison the medias effect is harder to establish