
Cards (8)

  • The economy
    Generally agree that capitalism has flaws and if left unattended it would have a detrimental affect
    Generally support some form of economic collectivism and a degree of state intervention or planning to address flaws of capitalism
  • The economy - Revolutionary
    Exploitation - workers forced to sell their labour power for less than it's value
    Private property is divisive, unjust and morally corrupting
    "from each according to his ability from each according to his need"
  • The economy - Evolutionary
    Collective ownership through nationalisation, co-operatives and unions
    Clause IV "...common ownership of the of the means of production..."
    Redistribute with the income taxes and heavy wealth and land taxes
  • The economy - Social Democracy
    Capitalism provides the economic growth that ultimately raises living standards the most
    The C19th capitalism Marx critiqued no longer exists in Britain
    Nationalisation is only a single method equality is the core of socialism
  • The economy - The Third Way

    Globalisation makes it difficult to rely upon old interventionist methods
    Knowledge economy - must invest in human resources and develop an entrepreneurial culture
    'New mixed economy' - utilise markets in the public interests
  • The state
    Generally see a greater role for the state, engineering a more equal society and managing the harmful effects of capitalism
    However, the different branches vary widely in what they want the state to do and how exactly it should go about it
  • The state - Revolutionary
    Revolution - the state must be overthrown because it exists to support the ruling class
    Dictatorship of the proletariat - workers seize state apparatus to pass socialist reforms
    state will "wither away" under communism
  • The state - Evolutionary
    'inevitability of gradualism' - universal suffrage makes peaceful change possible
    The state in neutral - elected and appointed experts can run it in the interest of workers
    Nationalisation and municipalisation are the key