DVP - Chapter 5

Cards (42)

  • Approach to the study of
    cognitive development that is concerned with basic
    mechanics of learning.
    Behaviorist Approach
  • Approach to the study of
    cognitive development that seeks to measure intelligence
    Psychometric Approach
  • Approach to the study of
    cognitive development that describes qualitative stages
    in cognitive functioning.
    Piagetian Approach
  • Approach to the study of
    cognitive development that analyzes processes involved
    in perceiving and handling information.
    Information-Processing Approach
  • Approach to the
    study of cognitive development that links brain processes
    with cognitive ones.
    Cognitive Neuroscience Approach
  • Approach to the study of
    cognitive development that focuses on environmental
    influences, particularly parents and other caregivers.
    Social Contextual Approach
  • Learning based on associating
    a stimulus that does not ordinarily elicit a response with
    another stimulus that does elicit the response.
    Classical Conditioning
  • Learning based on association
    of behavior with its consequences. Learning based on
    reinforcement or punishment.
    Operant Conditioning
  • Behavior that is goal oriented
    and adaptive to circumstances and conditions of life.
    Intelligent Behavior
  • Psychometric tests
    that seek to measure intelligence by comparing a test
    taker’s performance with standardized norms.
    Intelligent Quotient (IQ) Tests
  • Standardized test of infants’ and toddlers’ mental and motor development.
    Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development
  • Instrument to measure the
    influence of the home environment on children’s
    cognitive growth.
    Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment.
  • Systematic process of providing
    services to help families meet young children's developmental needs.
    Early Intervention
  • Piaget’s first stage in cognitive
    development, in which infants learn through senses and
    motor activity.
    Sensorimotor Stage
  • Piaget's term for organized patterns of
    thought and behavior used in particular situations.
  • Piaget’s term for processes by
    which an infant learns to reproduce desired occurrences
    originally discovered by chance.
    Circular Reactions
  • Piaget’s term for capacity to
    store mental images or symbols of objects and events.
    Representational Ability
  • Piaget’s term for the
    understanding that a person or object still exists when
    out of sight.
    Object Permanence
  • Piaget’s term for reproduction of
    an observed behavior after the passage of time by
    calling up a stored symbol of it.
    Deferred Imitation
  • Proposal that
    children under age 3 have difficulty grasping spatial
    relationships because of the need to keep more than one
    mental representation in mind at the same time.
    Dual Representation Hypothesis
  • Type of learning in which familiarity
    with a stimulus reduces, slows, or stops a response.
  • Increase in responsiveness after
    presentation of a new stimulus.
  • Tendency of infants to spend more
    time looking at one sight than another.
    Visual Preference
  • Ability to distinguish a
    familiar visual stimulus from an unfamiliar one when
    shown both at the same time.
    Visual Recognition Memory
  • A shared attentional focus, typically
    initiated with eye gaze or pointing.
    Joint Attention
  • Ability to use information
    gained by one sense to guide another.
    Cross-Modal Transfer
  • Research method in
    which dishabituation to a stimulus that conflicts with
    experience is taken as evidence that an infant
    recognizes the new stimulus as surprising.
    Violation of Expectations
  • Unconscious recall, generally of
    habits and skills; sometimes called procedural memory.
    explicit memory.
    Implicit Memory
  • Memory; generally of facts, names, and events.
    Intentional and Conscious Memory
  • Short-term storage of information
    being actively processed.
    Working Memory
  • Approach to the study
    of cognitive development that focuses on
    environmental influences, particularly parents and
    other caregivers.
    Social-Contextual Approach
  • Adult’s participation in a
    child’s activity that helps to structure it and bring the
    child’s understanding of it closer to the adults.
    Guided Participation
  • Communication system based on words
    and grammar.
  • Theory that human that human beings
    have an inborn capacity for language acquisition.
  • In Chomsky’s
    terminology, an inborn mechanism that enables
    children to infer linguistic rules from the language they
    Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
  • Forerunner of linguistic speech;
    utterance of sounds that are not words. Includes crying,
    cooing, babbling, and accidental and deliberate imitation
    of sounds without understanding their meaning.
    Prelinguistic Speech
  • Verbal expression designed to
    convey meaning. holophrase Single word that conveys a
    complete thought.
    Linguistic Speech
  • Early form of sentence use
    consisting of only a few essential words. Syntax Rules
    for forming sentences in a particular language.
    Telegraphic Speech
  • Use of elements of two languages,
    sometimes in the same utterance, by young children in
    households where both languages are spoken.
    Code Mixing
  • Changing one’s speech to match the
    situation, as in people who are bilingual.
    Code Switching