how to ensure there is no social senitivity?
•The researcher must consider theirresearch questioncarefully. Asking questions like ‘Are there racial differences in IQ?’ or ‘Is intelligence inherited?’ may be damaging to members of a particular group.
•MethodologyThe researcher needs to consider the treatment of the participant's and their right toconfidentialityandanonymity.For example, if someone admits to committing a crime, should the researcher maintain confidentiality?
•Institutional research-The researcher should be mindful of how the data is going to be used and consider who is funding the research. If the research is funded by a private institution or organisation, why are they funding the research and how do they intend to use the findings?
•Finally, the researcher needs to consider how their findings might beinterpreted and appliedin the real-world. Could their data or results be used to inform policy?