All of the things that a teacher does to organise students, space, time and materials so that student learning can take place
Classroom management
A wide variety of skills and techniques teachers use to keep students organised, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class
Importance of classroom management
Correcting Behavioral Problems
Establishing a Learning Culture
Building Relationships
Promoting Health and Safety
Clarifying Processes
Encouraging Accountability
Accommodating Diversity and Inclusion
Components of classroom management in PE
Preventive strategies
Supportive strategies
Corrective strategies
Preventative strategies
Methods teachers implement to prevent unwanted behaviour based on what they know
Supportive strategies
Methods that encourage responsible behaviour as the primary focus
Corrective strategies
Responses that occur on a continuum and are designed to extinguish interfering behaviours and encourage appropriate ones
Preventative classroom management
Teachers' proactive strategies to develop and maintain a positive on-task climate in which minimal time is devoted to managerial issues
Efficient time use in PE classes is critical, given children's limited PE in schools today
Teachers who manage their classrooms can create an environment where learning is the focus
Managerial task system
Establishes a structure through which the PE class becomes a predictable and smooth operating system
Getting learners' attention
1. Using audible cues such as a whistle or music
2. Using rhythmic signals like clapping, snapping and/or stomping patterns
3. Using signs, symbols and/or actions
Establishing equipment protocols
1. Placing equipment around the perimeter of the teaching space
2. Assigning group leaders to get and distribute equipment
3. Setting up equipment in advance
Managing equipment within the lesson
Learners can set the equipment on the floor behind them
Grouping strategies
Entering the venue
Exiting the venue
Comfort break
Identify general expectations for behaviour that cover a variety of situations
No more than 5 to 8 rules can communicate important categories of behaviour and be remembered by learners
Categories of PE rules
Respect others
Respect the learning environment
Support the learning of others
Trying hard
Managerial time
Learners' cumulative time on organisational, transitional, and non-subject matter tasks
Managerial episode
A single unit of management time that begins with a managerial behaviour emitted by a teacher and continues until the next instructional event or activity begins
Managerial interaction
The verbal and non-verbal teacher behaviour needed to develop and maintain the managerial task system
Skills and strategies most important to preventative classroom management
Control the initial activity
Start the class promptly and on time
Use a time-saving method when taking attendance register
Utilise proactive teaching through prompts, hustles and enthusiasm
Communicate high yet realistic expectations
Using high rates of specific feedback and positive interactions
Avoid slowdowns and breaks
Post records of the managerial performance of learners