psycholoigical explanations-Eysenck theory

Cards (16)

  • What did eysenck propose?
    he proposed that behvaiour could be represented along 2 dimensions
  • What do these 2 dimensions combine to form?
    these 2 dimensions combine to form a variety of personalitiy characterisitcs or traits
  • What do eysenck later add?
    later added 3rd dimesnsion
    -called psychotomism
  • What basis are perosnalitites?

    personality traits are biological in origin and come about through the type of nervous system we inherit
    >therefore all personality types including the criminal personality type have an innate, biological basis?
  • What is consisted of the criminal personality?
    -individuals who score highly on measures of extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism
    -and cannot be easily conditioned
    -is cold and unfeeling and is likely to engage in offending behaviour
  • What is consists of extraverts personalitiy?
    -underactive nervous system
    -which means they consistently seek excitement, stimulation and are likely to engage in risk-taking behaviour
    -tend not to condition easily
    -don't learn from their mistakes
  • What is consists of neurotic personality?
    -nervous, jumpy and over-anxious
    -general instability means their behaviour is often difficult to predict
  • What is consists of psychotism perosnality?
    -prone to aggression
  • What is the role of socialisation?

    He saw criminal behaviour as developing mentally immature in that it is selfish and concerned with immediate gratification- they are impatient and cannot wait for things
  • What is the process of socialisation?
    is one in which children are taught to become more bale to delay gratification and more socialy orinteded
  • Why cant criminals condiiton
    he believes that people with high E and N scores had a nervous system that made them difficult to condition
    -as a result, they would not respond easily to antisocial impulses
    -so they are more likely to act antisocially in situations when presented
  • What measure did eyesenck develop?
    eysenck perosnlaity invetory (epi)
    -a psychological test which locates respondents along the E and N dimension to determine your personality type
    -a later scale eas introduced that is used to measure psychotism
  • E-Strength-Supporting evidence in eysenck theory
    -supporting evidence in eysenck theory
    -sybil and hans eysenck compared 2070 prisioners score on EPI with 2422 male controls.
    -found prisionera recorded higher scores than controls
  • E-Limitation-contradictory evidence

    -contradictory evidence
    -Farrington revealed several studies and reported that offenders tended to score high on P measures but not for E and N
  • E-Limitation-no single criminal type

    -no single criminal type
    -moffit proposed several distinct types of adult male offender based on timinings of the offence and how long offending persit
  • E-Limitation-culture bias

    -culture bias
    -datrol and Holanchock studied Hispanic and African-American offenders in New York and divided them into 6 groups based on criminal history and the nature of the crime
    -found all 6 groups were found to be less extravert than non-criminals
    -batrol suggested this was because their sample was a different culture group