- Odysseus was bewildered because hedidn'tunderstand why the godswerepunishingthem with a storm after their victoryatTroy.
2. *Which god was responsible for the thunderbolts and which for the great waves?*
- Zeus was responsible for the thunderbolts, and Poseidon, the lord of the seas, was responsible for the great waves.
3. *What offense did Odysseus's men commit before leaving Troy?*
- Odysseus's men invaded Athena's temple and were violent and disrespectful, which offended the goddess who had helped them to victory.
4. *How did the Greeks struggle against the storm?*
- The Greeks struggled valiantly against the mighty wind and waves, rowing their battered ships to a strange shore where they found shelter in a rocky c
Odysseus' men' offense at Troy
Invaded Athena's temple
Gods responsible for weather
Zeus: thunderbolts, Poseidon: great waves
Odysseus' bewilderment on the storm
He didn't understand why the gods were punishing them with a storm after their victory at Troy