Week 11

Cards (30)

  • Qualitative Research - Focuses on less hard numerical data and more on abstract information
  • Main Methods of Qualitative Research - Individual Interviews Group Interviews Observations Survey and Questionnaires
  • Individual Interviews - Conversation-like designed to elicit information Must be conducted rigorously, systematically and transparently
  • Group Interviews - Conduct with several participants simultaneously More appropriate in society issues or shared experiences
  • Observations - To document and analyze behavior and social phenomena Useful in discrepancies between what people say and do
  • Survey and Questionnaires - More often used in quantitative study;If in qualitative, it should be open-ended questions
  • Research Instrument - Tools to gather data
  • Adopting - Utilize an instrument that has been used in well-known institution or reputable publication
  • Modify - To change its content based on study
  • Validity - Degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure
  • Face Validity - When it "appears" to measure the variables
  • Content Validity - An instrument covers a representative sample or specific elements
  • Construct Validity - An instrument measures the variables being studied as a whole
  • Concurrent Validity - Able to predict results similar to those tests already validated in the past
  • Predictive Validity - Produce results similar to those another instruments that will be employed in the future
  • Instrument Reliability - Consistency of the instrument's measures
  • Test-Retest - Adminestering an instrument twice to the same group of participants and computing the consistency of the scores
  • Internal Consistency - The measure of how well the items in two instruments measure the same construct
  • Informed Consent Form - Document that explains the objective of the study and extent of participants' involvement
  • (by National Science Foundation 1977) it is unguided by universal rules
  • Data Analysis Procedure
    1. Getting to know the data - done by reading and re-reading
    2. Entering and organizing data - done manually or using computers
    3. Identifying meaningful patterns and themes - core of the process of data analysis
    4. Interpreting the data - interpret the results
  • Content Analysis - Coding the data through text and label
  • Thematic Analysis - Grouping the data according to themes
  • Impressions - should be written down to assess the quality of data
  • Themes / patterns - serve to explain the findings
  • Research Instrument contains

    • Instrument used
    • Explanation of the used instrument and how it will answer the questions
    • Distribution of ICF
    • Validation of instrument
  • After interview - transcription
  • Before interview - Distribution of ICF;Validating
  • During Interview - Communication mean
  • Create Your Own
    To formally create your own and undergo validity and reliability test