Cards (38)

  • Trend
    the overall direction of movement in a set of information or data. Trends are usually increasing, decreasing, stable or fluctuating
  • Economic Growth
    an increase in the value in the goods and services produced by an economy over time. It is usually measured as a percentage change in real GDP
  • Unemployment
    those of working age who are not in employment and are willing and able to work
  • Inflation
    a general rise in the level of prices in an economy over time
  • Quantitative Indicator
    information that can be counted or measured numerically
  • Sustainable Economic Growth
    a rate of growth which can be maintained without creating other significant economic problems, especially for future generations
  • Parameter
    a guideline, boundary or outer limit
  • GDP per capita
    a measure of economic output that accounts for its number of people. It divides the countries gross domestic product it its population.
  • Labour Force Survey
    a monthly survey that collects information about the employment status of Australians aged 15 and over
  • Frictional Unemployment

    Occurs when people are unemployed between finishing one job and starting another, or entering the workforce for the first time
  • Structural Unemployment
    Occurs due to changes in the way goods and services are produced, leading to a mismatch of skills
  • Cyclical Unemployment
    Occurs when the level of spending in the economy falls
  • Seasonal Unemployment
    Results from the termination of jobs at the same time each year due to the regular change in seasons
  • Real wages
    income expressed in terms of purchasing power as opposed to actual money received
  • Real GDP
    a measure of a country's gross domestic product that has been adjusted for inflation
  • Consumer Price Index (CPI)
    a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by households for a fixed basket of goods and services
  • Standard of Living
    the quality and quantity of goods available to a given population.
  • Human Development Index (HDI)
    a statistic composite index of life expectancy, education and per capita income indicators
  • Qualitative Indicators
    information that cannot easily be countedor measured numerically; often subjective measures
  • Debt Trap
    a situation in which a debt is difficult or impossible to repay, typically because of high interest payments
  • Wealth
    the value of assets owned
  • Income
    the flow of money a person earns from providing their labour or other productive resources
  • Gini Coefficient
    a measure of income inequality between countries using a 100-point scale, in which 1 represents complete equality and 100 represents the highest possible inequality
  • What tax system does Australia operate
    A progressive tax system
  • Progressive Tax System

    imposes a greater percentage of taxation on people at higher income levels
  • Social Welfare
    a type of government support intended to ensure that all members of a society can meet basic needs
  • How do governments act to improve economic performance?
    Increase productivity and training and development
  • Human Capital
    the skills, knowledge and experience possessed by an individual or population, viewed in terms of their value or cost to an organisation or country
  • Underemployment
    occurs when a person works fewer hours than they would ideally like or takes a job that does not reflect their actual training and skills
  • Factors influencing consumer decision
    Price and finance, ethical considerations and personal value, demographics and personality and marketing
  • Elasticity
    an economic term describing the change in the behaviour of buyers and sellers in response to a price change for a good or service
  • Finance
    money received from a financial institution in exchange for future repayment at a rate of interest
  • Interest
    money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money borrowed
  • Credit History
    a record of a person's ability to repay debts and demonstrated responsibility in repaying them
  • Ethical Company

    one that is not causing damage to the environment, exploiting its workforce by paying low wages, using child labour or producing products that are harmful or dangerous
  • Boycott
    to stop buying or using the goods or services of a certain company or country as a protest
  • Just in time inventory (JIT)

    a strategy of managing inventory and/or production that links the ordering of raw materials to production scheduling
  • Inventory
    the array of finished goods waiting for sale or materials used in production held by a company