An organism is any contiguous living system such as an animal, plant, fungus, protist, archaeon, or bacterium.
A unicellular organism is an organism that consistsofonecell.
A multicellular organism is madeupofmanycells.
A microscopic organism cannotbeseen by the human eye without the use of a microscope.
A macroscopic organism canbeseen by the plain human eye.
A microscope is an instrument used to magnifyatinyobject.
The Romans discovered the firstlens.
It was derived from the Latin word lentil - as it resembled the shape of a lentil bean.
ZachariasJanssen made the firstcompoundmicroscope.
RobertHooke is known to built his ownmicroscope. He used a thin slice of cork as a specimen in his microscope.
Cellula means smallcompartment. It eventually became the wordcell.
Micrographia is one of the first detailed handbook on microscopy and imaging.
AntonVanLeeuwenhoek is a scientist who studied the bacteria, bloodcell, and protists. He made a microscope which had a morepowerfulmagnification than what Hooke built.
Matthias Jakob Schleiden, a professor of botany in Germany. He stated that all plants are composedofcells.
TheodorSchwann is a professor of physiology at the UniversityofBelgium. He studied several slides of animaltissues in which he stated that animalsarecomposed of cells.
All organisms are made up of cells.
The basicunit of life is the cell.
Allcells come from pre-existingcells.
Rudolf Ludwig Karl Virchow postulated the idea of Omniscellulaecellula (All cells come from cells).
Theory of Spontaneous Generation states that organisms came from nonlivingthings.
Francesco Redi was able to disprove the theory that maggots could be spontaneously generated from meat using a controlledexperiment. Disproved the theory above.
JohnNeedham - believed that lifecanarisespontaneously. He repeatedRedi’sexperiment but yielded different results because he was notsuccessful in killingallmicrobes while boilingbroth.
LazzaroSpallanzani - disagreed with the theory of spontaneous generation after observing the absence of smallorganisms in some chickenbroth placed in sealedflasks heated for 30minutes.
LouisPasteur - disproved spontaneous generation through an experiment where beefbroth was sterilized through boiling in twoflasks, one that was exposed to air and another that was protectedfromit.
Animalcells are eukaryotic cells, or cells with a membrane bound nucleus.
Organelles - differentparts of a cell.
Cell Membrane - composed of phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins and carbohydrates.
SemipermeableMembrane allows Oxygen and CO2 to enter.
Microvilli are finger-like folds cell membrane that boost the cell's absorptionfunction.
Cytoplasm - Fluid containing cytosol that fills the cell. This is where themoleculesfirstpass through after entering or before exiting the cell membrane. This is also where the organelles are found and move freely.
CytosolFluid that contains electrolytes. This is the siteofcytosolicactivities like signal transduction, DNA transcription and replication, glycolysis, enzyme activities, etc.
Electrolytes - Substance that produceselectricallyconductingsolutions, metabolites, and other substances produced during metabolism.