weak superego - if same gender parent absent during phallic stage a child cannot internalise a fully formed superego as there's no opportunity for identification - would make immoral or offending behaviour more likely
deviant superego - if superego that child internalises has immoral or deviant values this would lead to offending behaviour eg boy who is raised by criminal father is not likely to associate guilt with wrongdoing
Over harsh superego - overly harsh parenting style leads to child with over harsh superego (crippled with guilt and anxiety) which may unconsciously drive the individual to perform criminal acts in order to satisfy the superegos overwhelming need for punishment
Role of emotion
the psychodynamic approach deals with the emotional life of the indivdual eg acknowledges role of anxiety and guilt in the development of offending behaviour
Theory of maternal deprivation
Bowlby - more likley to be sociopath if grow up w out mother - 44 thieves