Last bit of glucose from the gut (most is absorbed by diffusion but when virtually all has been absorbed, there is a higher concentration of glucose in the blood)
Movement of water from high concentration of water to low OR low concentration of sugar to high, across a partially permeable membrane
Osmosis in animals
No cell wall
Osmosis in animals - hypotonic solution
Osmosis in animals - isotonic solution
H2O in = H2O out
Osmosis in animals - hypertonic solution
Shrivel up
Osmosis in plants
Have a cell wall
Osmosis in plants - hypotonic solution
Turgid (vacuole fills up, pushing cytoplasm against cell wall, known as turgor pressure)
Osmosis in plants - isotonic solution
Flaccid (plant wilts since no turgor pressure)
Osmosis in plants - hypertonic solution
Plasmolysed (cell membrane pullsaway from cell wall, cells usually die)
Lots of water/little sugar
Little water/lots of sugar
Same concentration
Hypertonic solution
Hyper means more concentrated
Hypotonic solution
Hypo means less concentrated
Movement of particles from a high concentration to a low concentration, for gases (always diffusion) and liquids (not water)
Increasing diffusion into cells
Short diffusion path
One cell thick (quicker)
Large surface area
Many alveoli/lots of villi (more diffusion)
Maintain concentration gradient
Good blood supply
Factors affecting diffusion
Increases kinetic energy of particles
Concentration gradient
The bigger the difference in concentration, the faster the rate of diffusion