AO1 and AO2

Cards (13)

  • aim was to investigate whether individual judgements were influenced by group discussion
  • there were groups of 8
  • in the groups of 8 there were 7 confederates
  • task given was to judge which line matched the target line
  • the confederates would give the wrong answers to see if the participant would conform
  • they found that almost all participants changed their answer
  • the results demonstrate that power of conformity and is likely the result of ISI
  • they investigated three variables: group size, unanimity and task difficulty
  • changed the number of confederates from 1 to 15 for investigating group size
  • unanimity is the presence of a non-conforming person that would effect the naive persons conformity
  • influence of the majority depends on the large extent on being unanimous
  • asch increased the difficulty of line-juding task by making stimulus line and comparison lines more similar to each other
  • by increasing task difficulty he found that conformity increased as they were unsure and would look for guidance in other people