Minority Influence

Cards (9)

  • what is minority influence?

    form of social influence where a persuasive minority changes the attitudes and behaviours of the minority
  • what is social change?
    when a whole society adopts a new belief or way of behaving which then becomes widely accepted as the norm
  • what are the three factors that influence minority influence?

    commitment, flexibility, consistency
  • commitment is when the minority must be dedicated to their cause therefore the more dedicated they are the greater the influence
  • flexibility is when they minority must show their willingness to compromise when expressing their opinion
  • consistency is when the minority must be stable in their opinion over time an there must be an agreement among the members of the minority
  • Consistency : Martin Luther King led the civil rights movement and they were consistent with their views against the apartheid for years where he helped bring social change
  • Commitment : Rosa parks was committed to the civil rights movement a she didn't give up her seat for a white passenger which led to her arrest her sacrifice led to a lot of social change. An example of augmentation principle
  • Flexibility: Nemeth did an experiment were there were two groups that had to agree on compensation and he found that those who were flexible there were more compromises than those who had no flexibility