Cards (6)

    It has been shown that high levels of expressed emotions (e.g hostility and criticism) within the families of patients with with sz are associated with relapse and negative outcomes. suggests that therapy with a focus on social dynamics within a family might prove beneficial in helping sz patients
    FALLON ET AL devised a form of family management to be used when the patient returned home from hospital. it is based on teaching everyone in the family how to be constructive, undemanding and empathetic in their feeling with each other and the schizophrenic relative
    is nearly always used in addition to drug therapy. research has compared individuals having FT with patients having individual therapy. in terms of hospital readmission rates within 1 yr, 50% of those in individual therapy returned to the hospital compared to 11% of those in family relationships
  • (+) FT
    found a relapse rate of almost 40% when patients had drugs only, compared to less than 5% when both drugs and FT were used together. = it is a great addition to the medication on offer for sz and that there are economic benefits of the treatment. = it reduces relapse rates; patients are less likely to take up hospital beds and resources.
  • (-) FT
    UNETHICAL / SOCIALLY SENSITIVE = it implies that the family are responsible, at least in part, for their relatives sz. as a result it could lead to more problems, such as resentment. = the therapy will only be effective is the family accept that they can do something to change and help with their relatives sz episodes, such as change their communication styles. = if there is no motivation on the part of the family = therapy will not be effective.
  • (+) FT
    increases medication compliance = PHAROAH found that those receiving FT had a reduction in relapse and hospital admissions, and some effect on mental state. = it also had an effect on how likely sz were to take their antipsychotic medication = that the reason sz show an improvement is because of antipsychotic med rather than the FT